Tag: crtc

OpenMedia takes the C-11 fight to the CRTC
OpenMedia testified at the CRTC on C-11! Here’s what went down.

Your voice DELIVERED: OpenMedia community members take the fight to fix C-11 to the CRTC
On July 11th, we submitted YOUR input directly to the CRTC on the first stage of their implementation of Bill C-11.

Reportback: YOUR meeting with the CRTC’s new Chair
On June 28th, OpenMedia took YOUR comments to the CRTC.

YOU ARE HERE 📍: What’s happening in the fight for fair Internet wholesale rates
Your voice, delivered! On June 22, we submitted YOUR input directly to the CRTC in their historic review of Internet wholesale rates.

Request for more time: Getting C-11 right for Canadians
12 groups sign a joint request for an extension on C-11 consultations

Your voice, DELIVERED: OpenMedia community urges CRTC to dethrone Big Telecom’s fibre monopoly!
We submitted input from nearly 4,500 people to the CRTC, urging the Commission to force Big Telecom to provide fibre wholesale access to indie ISPs!

OpenMedia calls on new chair of CRTC to prioritize competition, affordability, and everyday people’s needs
Canada’s Internet is dangerously adrift. OpenMedia’s letter to new CRTC chair Vicky Eatrides urges her to put us back on track.

Your voice, DELIVERED: 103,000+ petition signers urge Senate to fix Bill C-11!
Canada’s Senate just introduced a key amendment that nips many of Bill C-11’s problems in the bud — but brought a HUGE new threat to our privacy along with it.

Guest Blog: National Capital Freenet (NCF) is “still fighting for change after 30 years”
Minister Champagne’s refusal to revisit the CRTC’s Internet price hikes has hurt independent providers’ efforts to close the digital divide.

Minister Champagne’s 3 Simple Steps to Collapsing Internet Competition in Canada
Our “Minister of Collapse” must undo this affordability disaster of his own making.

Thousands tell CRTC to oppose new hidden fee on cell phone and Internet bills
Today’s the last day to add your voice to the public record against Telus’s new credit card processing fee.

Your voice, DELIVERED: OpenMedia’s submission to the government’s CRTC policy direction consultation is in!
Nearly 16,000 members of the OpenMedia community have spoken out to shape the future of the CRTC. Thank you for adding your voices!

What is the CRTC? And why should I care?
Laying out what the CRTC is and how it affects the daily life of Canadians.

Your voice, DELIVERED: OpenMedia community speaks out 50,000+ times demanding Cabinet reverse the CRTC’s Internet price hikes!
This week, we delivered 33k petition signatures alongside 17k more community emails sent calling on Ministers to undo the CRTC’s 2021 wholesale rates ruling.

Your voice, DELIVERED: OpenMedia’s latest petition to stop Rogers from buying Shaw is in!
To date, the OpenMedia community has called on the government a whopping 34,700+ times to block Rogers-Shaw. Talk about a deafening response!

FAQ: Why it’s crucial Canada’s next CRTC Chair be a champion for the people’s Internet
This is our once-in-5-years shot to appoint a CRTC Chair who stands up for the people, NOT Big Telecom.

It’s time for a public interest champion to take over at the CRTC
We need a CRTC chair without ties to Big Telecom.

Your outrage at Canada’s broken Internet is on full display
OpenMedia’s mobile billboard ads are demanding positive change in downtown Toronto.

OpenMedia to Cabinet: MVNOs are the only path to cheaper cell phone prices
OpenMedia and CIPPIC just filed a submission urging Cabinet to order the CRTC to mandate MVNO wholesale access in Canada.

Your voice, DELIVERED: OpenMedia’s submission to Cabinet on the CRTC’s wholesale rates decision is in!
We submitted a whopping 31,886 signatures from the OpenMedia community calling on Cabinet to reverse the CRTC’s 2021 ruling on Internet wholesale rates. Thank you for speaking out!

OpenMedia takes out full-page Ottawa Citizen ad inviting CRTC Chair Ian Scott for beers
On July 17th, OpenMedia placed a full-page ad in the Ottawa Citizen inviting CRTC Chair Ian Scott for a beer to discuss Internet regulation — just like he did with Bell!

CRTC Offers Far Too Little, Far Too Late in Stuttering Bid for More Cell Phone Competition
Penned by Tamir Israel from Samuelson-Glushko Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic (CIPPIC), this deep dive into the April 15th CRTC MVNO decision outlines how the Commission’s regulatory solution offers slim hopes for Canada’s cell phone market.

Setting the record straight: How the CRTC’s decision on MVNOs tanks cheaper cell phone prices
The CRTC made the decision rejecting full MVNOs to benefit Big Telecom — not you.

Need a break from the election? Here are some happy memories
The past year has been a rollercoaster on the digital rights front. But together, the OpenMedia community has achieved a lot. Here’s an overview of our wins and what’s on the horizon.

Smaller Internet providers are dropping their prices and you can thank the CRTC for it
Back in August the CRTC significantly cut down the rates for what Big Telecom can charge smaller providers for network access. As a result, a handful of smaller Internet service providers are already passing that benefit on to their customers.

Will this be the election that breaks up the Big Three?
The winner of this election will determine whether Canada’s telecom oligopoly continues to rule or makes way for new competitors and lower prices.
BREAKING: New CRTC Announcement means more choice and cheaper Internet prices for Canadians
By lowering wholesale broadband Internet rates, the CRTC is lowering barriers for small Internet providers to enter the market!

CRTC’s new Internet Code of Conduct falls short of expectations
While a step in the right direction, the Code fails to provide a sufficiently robust framework to protect customers from Big Telecom’s widespread predatory practices

The B.C. government wants to hear your cell phone horror stories—let’s make sure they listen
The B.C. government has announced its plan to improve customer protections for cell phone users and it could result in much needed, ground-breaking changes.

Broadcasting and Telecommunications Legislative Review Panel releases its “what we heard” interim report
The report contains few surprises and a variety of different themes relevant to the future of the Internet in Canada

OpenMedia welcomes government’s new policy direction to guide CRTC
Directive marks a significant step forward in putting people before Big Telecom

Success! We delivered your voices to the CRTC to overhaul Canada’s mobile market
This week we delivered over 18,000 voices to the CRTC along with our detailed policy submission to overhaul Canada’s mobile market and bring customers affordability, choice and better access. Thank you for speaking out and here’s what’s next!

Thank you for speaking out and telling the CRTC: Put people before Big Telecom!
We submitted over 14,000 voices to the government in support of a new policy direction for the CRTC that puts people first. Thank you for speaking out — this could be the beginning of a new era for Canada’s telecom market!

A game changer for the CRTC
The government has issued a new policy direction for the CRTC that puts customers at the forefront. But it is up to us to ensure the new direction stands a chance to change the playing field.

Federal government announces $1.7 billion investment for high-speed Internet, but questions as to implementation remain
The new coordinated broadband fund is a critical commitment from the government, but missing details on the implementation of the plan leave doubt as to how far this promise will go.

A sea of change for Canada’s telecom market?
The announcements of a new policy direction for the CRTC and the CRTC’s upcoming mobile services review could bring much needed change to Canada’s telecom arena. Here’s the lowdown.

CRTC acknowledges Big Telecom’s sales practices are problematic, but without any commitment for next steps
CRTC fails to provide any penalties to offending telecoms, or accountability to prevent these behaviours from continuing.

Our submission to the Broadcasting and Telecommunications Act review is in — thanks for speaking out!
We submitted our views to the Broadcasting and Telecommunications Act review on behalf of the OpenMedia community to foster an open and innovative Internet in Canada. Thank you for adding your voices!

Together We Accomplished a Lot: 2018 Year in Review
As the new year begins we look back at everything we’ve accomplished together in 2018 for online access, privacy and free expression. None of this would have been possible without our amazing community — THANK YOU!

Canadians’ mobile data usage slow to increase, while Big Telecom’s revenues continue to grow
CRTC’s annual report shows that data usage serves the greatest revenue growth for Bell, Telus and Rogers

CRTC’s wireless affordability decision will further Canada’s digital divide
Today’s decision on low-cost data-only plans treats those who need affordable plans as second-class citizens.
Net Neutrality is under attack in Canada — here’s how we save it
The CRTC Chair has recently expressed a lack of commitment to robust Net Neutrality protections in Canada, which raises serious concerns. Here's how we fight back:

CRTC is holding week-long hearing on Big Telecom’s bad sales practices — share your stories using #CRTCforum!
Have you had a bad sales practices experience with your Internet or phone provider? Share your personal stories with the CRTC on Twitter using #CRTCforum!

Huge win for Canadians as CRTC rejects Bell’s website blocking proposal
Welcome ruling protects Canada from overreaching censorship agency, deferring jurisdiction to reviews of the Copyright, Telecommunications and Broadcasting Acts

Advocates stunned by CRTC’s decision to cut its own Internet speed targets in half for new Broadband Fund
Canadians are calling on Innovation Minister Navdeep Bains to send the decision back to the CRTC for reconsideration immediately

CRTC report reveals low-income Canadians spending up to 8% of monthly income on communications services
Lower cost options are desperately needed to ensure that people are not left behind

Affordable data: 8,015 of your comments on the public record!
Your response to the CRTC asking for what a fair price for data looks like

The Big Three’s ‘low cost’ data plans are a bad joke
Half a gigabyte of data for $30 per month won't make the cut for people who are struggling to pay for their cell phone bills (if they can afford a phone at all) and are increasingly hungry for data.

Net Neutrality and affordability at the heart of the Canadian Telecom Act review
Questions about funding Canadian Content leave the Internet Tax problematically on the table in the Broadcast Act review

Here’s what happened when we met with Minister Bains
Our Executive Director, Laura Tribe, met with Minister of Innovation Science and Economic Development, Navdeep Bains, to deliver your voices and talk about the future of Canada’s Internet. Here’s the rundown:

We’re meeting with Minister Bains and want to take your voices with us — what should we tell him?
Next week our Executive Director, Laura Tribe, is meeting in person with the Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development to talk about Canada’s broken wireless market and the need for a national broadband strategy. Tell us what you want us to tell him!

Critics call Big Telecom’s low data plans ‘embarrassing’
"It's embarrassing and quite frankly it's rude to think that these are functional plans,"

Against website blocking: What OpenMedia submitted to the CRTC
We filed a substantive policy submission as well as more than 82K individual submissions from Canadians. Thank you for speaking up!

CRTC extends competition protections to broadband Internet competitors
Competitor Quality of Service Regime decision a step towards ensuring lower prices in wireline sector by increasing fairness for indie Internet Service Providers, but misses opportunity to do the same for wireless

CRTC failed Canadians, again. Over to you, Minister Bains
Last week the CRTC shut the door on an opportunity to bring Canadians more mobile choices and lower prices. So we are looking to Minister Navdeep Bains to step in and help affect change.
CRTC rejects opportunity to bring increased competition to Canada’s wireless market
All eyes turn to Innovation Minister Navdeep Bains to address affordability with wholesale mobile access and mandate set-rates for MVNOs

Bell’s Website Blocking Plan Is Authoritarian Overkill
"With legal options for content delivery on the upswing, effective tools for curbing piracy already in place, and illegal sharing on the downward slide, Bell's website blocking proposal is like using a machine gun to kill a mosquito."

Feb. 28 is the Day of Action against a Bell-led censorship initiative — join us!
Mark the date on your calendars — on February 28 Canadians across the country are coming together to protest Bell coalition's website blocking plan. Here’s how you can participate.

Opposition mounts to Bell coalition’s website blocking plan
Thousands of Canadians are expressing their opposition to Bell coalition's overreaching website blocking plan.

Will Canada Pass a SOPA-like Proposal? Canadian Media Companies Hope So
Our friends at Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) break down why Bell coalition's SOPA-like website blocking plan is deeply flawed:

The CRTC must reject new overreaching Internet censorship proposal
Bell-led coalition proposes government-backed website blocking system that advocates warn will harm consumers and free expression online

New Year, New Fight: 2017 in review and the battle ahead for digital rights
From Net Neutrality to proposed mandatory content filtering in the EU, 2017 was a big year for Internet advocates. What's next in 2018?

9 in 10 Canadians still not at basic Internet speeds called for by CRTC, even as data usage jumps by 25%
Annual CRTC study demonstrates clear need for national broadband strategy, as Canadians face increasingly less affordable prices for home and mobile Internet.

Bell Canada: weaponizing copyright
We thought we'd seen it all, but Bell has pitched an outrageous proposal to protect its outdated model and censor the Internet... Through NAFTA

Lowering our cell bills: Your voice on the public record
1 in 3 low-income Canadians can’t afford a cellphone. That means no emergency calls when away from a landline, no texting with loved ones, no access to maps, email, and the online tools and services that we all depend on every day.

CRTC must remain responsive to the needs of Canadian consumers as new chairperson is appointed
The appointment of a new chairperson with industry ties will be a test as to whether the regulator can remain committed to the goal of Internet as a basic service

Innovation Minister asks CRTC to reconsider opening Canada’s wireless market to affordable wi-fi based mobile providers
Minister Bains' announcement is good news for Canadian consumers, who have long been in need of relief from cell phone bills that are far too high.

Tell the CRTC: Put the Community First!
High-quality broadband Internet is now a basic service for all Canadians. But how do we turn that into a reality? By urging the CRTC to put their $750 million fund where it is needed the most: the community!

We did it – We put your Internet installation horror stories on the public record!
Yesterday we filed our submission to the CRTC regarding the review of the competitor quality of service regime to ensure indie ISPs stand a fair chance, which means better and more affordable Internet for all. Thank you for speaking out!

Win for citizens as CRTC framework will help prevent telecoms from engaging in differential pricing practices
Today’s ruling strengthens Net Neutrality protections by discouraging telecom providers from zero-rating certain apps and services and not others

Let’s put your Internet installation horror stories on the record
Help us upgrade the CRTC’s system to ensure indie Internet service providers get a fair deal.

Disappointing CRTC ruling threatens to lock Canadians into a future of high wireless prices
Today’s decision effectively makes it impossible for Sugar Mobile and other new entrants to compete in a market that continues to be dominated by Bell, Rogers, and Telus.

Bell’s takeover of MTS will harm middle class consumers and businesses who rely on affordable telecom services
Merger will result in higher telecom costs in one of the few provinces with affordable rates, reinforcing calls to encourage competition by structurally separating the networks.

OpenMedia is calling on the CRTC to hold major ISPs accountable for high-speed Internet rollout
OpenMedia to CRTC: Canadians are counting on you

CRTC Must Ensure Fair Rates For All Internet Providers
"As TekSavvy customers settle in to lowered bills and Bell customers prepare for their increase on February 1, a new battle for affordable Internet access is happening right under our noses: the price of next generation, ultra-high speed fibre Internet."

Consumers face double-whammy of Bell telecom price-hikes and potential new Internet Tax
Bell is raising Internet prices in Ontario and Quebec by $5, as their smaller competitor TekSavvy lowers its rates

We won! Internet is a basic service for all Canadians!
This is an incredible, historic moment. The CRTC has just ruled that high-speed Internet is now a basic service, essential to our everyday life.

Vous avez vaincu le Projet de loi pour la censure d’Internet du Québec (il n’en a plus pour longtemps)
Près de 20 000 Canadiens ont demandé la mort du Projet de loi 74 - vendredi, les autorités canadiennes ayant juridiction sur Internet ont déclaré avoir le pouvoir de casser ce projet de loi et souhaiter s’en prévaloir.

You killed Quebec’s Internet censorship bill (well, it’s on its last legs)
Nearly 20,000 Canadians asked for an end to Bill 74 — on Friday Canada’s Internet regulators said they had the power to stop the bill, and would.

Thanks to you, we have a real chance to #EndDataCaps and stop zero-rating
How OpenMedia brought your call to end data caps and ban zero-rating to Canada’s Internet policymakers

Make sure you’re paying attention to the net neutrality debate
On net neutrality in Canada: have you been watching? Watch closer.

The Internet tax is a raw deal for all of us
The Internet Tax – a defeated and deflated policy attempted in Hungary – is making its way to Canada. Yikes!
OpenMedia’s presentation at the CRTC hearings on differential pricing (a.k.a. zero-rating)
With support from 55,000 Canadians, OpenMedia testified at crucial CRTC hearings on November 3, 2016, and called on them to End Data Caps. Here's what our team had to say.

“Listen to Canadians, Aim Higher for Canada, and Protect Innovation for All” — OpenMedia at today’s #EndDataCaps CRTC hearings
Today, with support from 55,000 of you, OpenMedia testified at crucial CRTC hearings, and called on them to End Data Caps. Here’s what happened!
We’re live at the CRTC!
We're glued to our screens and we know you are too! Find out below all the ways you can follow us at today's CRTC hearing.

Tomorrow, we’re testifying at the CRTC to End Data Caps! Here’s how to follow us live
On Thursday, your OpenMedia team is testifying at the CRTC, calling on them to stand up for consumers and End Data Caps. Here’s how to stay in the loop.
It’s Time for Canadian Data Plans to Catch Up to Our Changing Viewing Habits
"Dollars for data, Canadians are paying more for gigabyte than just about anywhere else in the world."

Hold onto your hats Canada, it’s going to be a wild week ahead!
We have a busy and exciting week ahead on all of our pillars and we want to make sure our community members are the first to know what’s cooking.

Spotlight turns to data caps, as CRTC study reveals skyrocketing data usage along with price increases
One week before high-profile CRTC hearing on data caps and Internet pricing, Commission's own study confirms data usage surged 40% from 2014 to 2015

Spotlight turns to data caps, as CRTC study reveals skyrocketing data usage along with price increases
One week before high-profile CRTC hearing on data caps and Internet pricing, Commission's own study confirms data usage surged 40% from 2014 to 2015

Stop the federal government before it taxes everything on the Internet
"Knee-jerk policy proposals that tax everything digital to subsidize struggling industries are not the way forward."

Big Win for Canadians, as CRTC forces Big Telecom to lower wholesale rates
Regulator steps in to significantly reduce wholesale high-speed access rates charged to independent ISPs, after finding telecom giants ignored accepted costing principles

CRTC goes full-Internet with #EndDataCaps Reddit consultation
Make their #2016 effort pay off (so they do it again) — weigh in on the online forum now, all while speaking out against differential pricing.

Over 42,000 Canadian voices against data caps are now on the public record at the CRTC
With support from over 42,000 Canadians, we’ve just delivered a 50-page submission against data caps to the CRTC

Consumer advocates highlight industry support for ending data caps and upholding Net Neutrality in CRTC consultation
Rogers’ opposition to zero-rating and moves by U.S. firms Netflix and T-Mobile suggest Canadian telecoms should follow their lead and offer unlimited data plans

Tired of data caps? You have 24 hours to say so on the public record
The CRTC is asking Canadians how we think the Internet should be priced. Join us on the public record in telling them

CRTC decision paves way for affordable fibre Internet choice, but could have gone further
Customers can now look forward to accessing high-speed fibre Internet from affordable indie providers, but some surprising choices by CRTC will limit the range of competitive options available to Canadians

Putting your voice on the record against Quebec’s Internet censorship Bill 74
Nearly 20,000 Canadians are asking federal decision-makers to deem the controversial bill in violation of our right to freedom of expression.

Bell promises to run fibre to Churchill, Manitoba — for the small price of acquiring MTS
You can almost smell the desperation as Bell promises to run fibre Internet to Churchill, Manitoba if the MTS takeover deal goes through

As EU publishes strong Net Neutrality rules, Canada cannot afford to fall behind
Canada’s CRTC will soon hold hearings on how best to protect the open Internet: today’s new EU regulations set a positive example.
OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet. Take action now
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