The Latest from Laura Tribe

Saying Farewell: Reflecting on my journey as OpenMedia’s Executive Director
Gratitude, reflections, and the road ahead.

Big Telecom asks Trudeau to reject affordable Internet
Incumbents’ tantrum over fair wholesale rates continues with petition to Governor in Council

Request your personal information from political parties using our new tool
“My Political Data” empowers citizens to exercise rights to their personal information

CRTC’s new Internet Code of Conduct falls short of expectations
While a step in the right direction, the Code fails to provide a sufficiently robust framework to protect customers from Big Telecom’s widespread predatory practices

OpenMedia welcomes government’s Connectivity Strategy to bring rural communities online with high-speed Internet access
The strategy puts a focus on areas traditionally underserved and often left offline

OpenMedia welcomes government’s new policy direction to guide CRTC
Directive marks a significant step forward in putting people before Big Telecom

NDP releases plan to bring Internet affordability to Canada
OpenMedia welcomes the plan, and the critical attention to issue of Internet affordability in Canada.

European Parliament approves unpopular Link Tax and mandatory content filtering in its final vote on the Copyright Directive
Despite massive public outcry and opposition from dozens of experts and academics the European Parliament failed to even allow a vote on amendments
European Copyright Directive passes, setting dangerous precedent for the open Internet
Despite massive public opposition, the European Parliament has rubber-stamped a Link Tax and Censorship Machines

Federal government announces $1.7 billion investment for high-speed Internet, but questions as to implementation remain
The new coordinated broadband fund is a critical commitment from the government, but missing details on the implementation of the plan leave doubt as to how far this promise will go.
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