Tag: copyright

Need a break from the election? Here are some happy memories
The past year has been a rollercoaster on the digital rights front. But together, the OpenMedia community has achieved a lot. Here’s an overview of our wins and what’s on the horizon.

OpenMedia Community-Funded Poll Reveals 75% of Canadians Support Right to Repair!
With an election nearing, our federal candidates should be looking at the widespread support for national Right to Repair legislation.

Your views made it to the government’s report on copyright in Canada!
After months of extensive study, the Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology (INDU), has released its report on Canada's Copyright Act review, which contains encouraging recommendations for open Internet advocates. Here’s a summary

When Did We Lose The Right To Repair The Stuff We Buy?
Remember the days when you could extend the life of computers, phones, vacuum cleaners and washing machines? Maybe it’s time to reestablish our right to repair.

European Parliament approves unpopular Link Tax and mandatory content filtering in its final vote on the Copyright Directive
Despite massive public outcry and opposition from dozens of experts and academics the European Parliament failed to even allow a vote on amendments
European Copyright Directive passes, setting dangerous precedent for the open Internet
Despite massive public opposition, the European Parliament has rubber-stamped a Link Tax and Censorship Machines

Thank you for helping shape the future of Canadian copyright!
As the government’s Copyright Act review consultation closes its call for public comments, we want to say THANK YOU to everyone who helped shape the future of Canada’s copyright rules.

The Schrödinger’s cat of copyright: What’s an ‘orphan work’?
There is a gray, Schrödinger's cat kind of area within copyright. Enter: Orphan works.

Implementing the Link Tax in the worst way possible
After the mid-September vote, when Parliament approved both the Link Tax and copyright upload filters, the finish line for the problematic legislation is in sight.

We took your voices to Parliament: Copyright edition
Last week, we brought your voices straight to the parliamentary committee reviewing the Copyright Act in Ottawa. Thank you for speaking out! Here's the lowdown.

We’ve Been Invited to Testify on Copyright: Let’s Bring Your Voices Straight to the Government!
The committee reviewing Canada’s copyright laws has invited us to testify in Ottawa. What should we bring to the table? We want to hear from you!

NAFTA 2.0 and Digital Rights: The Good, The Bad and The Worst
Last week Canada signed a rebranded NAFTA deal after months of suspense and secretive negotiations. But what does the deal mean for the Internet? Here’s the lowdown.

If you want to dress up as Thor for Halloween, is making your own costume a copyright violation?
Do you think you'd be slapped with a copyright violation notice if you were to reproduce one of these characters' likeness for your Halloween costume? Let's explore this copyright curiosity.

New NAFTA agreement’s copyright rules will cost Canadians millions
This is a terrible deal for Canadians. These draconian copyright provisions must be rejected.

Save the Link: The Story So Far
Yesterday, the EU Parliament voted in favour of a Link Tax and Censorship Machines in a catastrophic move for the open Internet. But how did we get here, and what happens now? Here’s the quick and dirty story of Save The Link.

Copyright trivia #3: Can “illegal” graffiti be protected under copyright?
Can illegal graffiti be protected under copyright?

Copyright trivia #2: Who owns the copyright to the national anthem?
Have you ever wondered when watching a sports event on TV: who owns the copyright for the Canadian national anthem at the beginning of the show?
Who owns your tattoos? Copyright issues are all around us.
Ever wondered who owns the copyright to your tattoos?

Copyright trivia #1: Can you digitize your vinyl without infringing copyright law?
Copyright trivia: Can you digitize your vinyl without infringing copyright law?

New NAFTA agreement would threaten Canadian digital rights if signed. Canada should fight back.
Monday’s announcement that the United States and Mexico had reached a tentative agreement on NAFTA has sent Canadian diplomats scrambling, and has digital rights advocates seriously concerned.

Let’s Talk Copyright to Bring Canada’s Copyright Rules Up to Speed With the Digital Era
A rare opportunity to shape Canada’s copyright regime is right before us. Here’s how we can seize it to shape the rules by and for the people in the digital era.

I was worried. Now, I’m filled with gratitude.
Your support fuels our work and the people who are behind it. Thank you so much!

I was worried. Now, I’m filled with gratitude.
Your support fuels our work and the people who are behind it. Thank you so much!

WIN: The EU Parliament sends copyright law back to the drawing board
Today, the European Parliament sided with Internet users and voted to reject the proposed copyright proposal, which includes the dangerous Link Tax and Censorship Machine provisions.

EU Legal Committee Approves Controversial Copyright Directive
In a major blow to the open Internet, the vote supports push for a link tax and censorship machines that will have a global impact

What’s the problem with this “renegotiated” NAFTA?
This is what we would be looking at in terms of intellectual property (IP) if the treaty were to be signed.

Open Letter: 50+ organisations call on Axel Voss MEP to delete Article 11.
European public institutions, companies, start-ups, journalists and libraries, news publishers and civil society organisations are united against proposals for a neighbouring right for press publishers.

We’re Meeting MEPs in Brussels Next Week to Stop Internet Censorship
This is our one last chance to convince key decision makers to side with European Internet users and shut down a misguided plan to build censorship robots to monitor and block our content online.

Bell’s Website Blocking Plan Is Authoritarian Overkill
"With legal options for content delivery on the upswing, effective tools for curbing piracy already in place, and illegal sharing on the downward slide, Bell's website blocking proposal is like using a machine gun to kill a mosquito."

The dangerous trend for automating censorship, and circumventing laws
Deals between companies and governments working together to automate acceptable content online are too common. Whilst content filtering is being proposed in EU copyright law, in other situations it's all wrapped up in a closed door agreement.

Over 55,000 voices are on their way to Minister Freeland’s office
This week we delivered over 55,000 signatures calling for the protection of our digital rights in the new NAFTA to Minister of Foreign Affairs Chrystia Freeland — and you bet it’s going to make an impact.

So Long and Thanks for All the Comments
It’s goodbye, but it’s not the end. Thank you for everything, and let’s keep working to build a more just world, online and off.

Copyright Week: it’s about changing the power balance
Copyright laws came from good intentions, but it does not operate in balance between creators, consumers and companies. There’s work to do to make these rules just, and to truly encourage creativity.

Standing Committee on International Trade Publishes NAFTA Study: Supports Balance in Copyright and Protecting Data Privacy
The Standing Committee on International Trade (CIIT) recently published a report on a study on how NAFTA affects Canadians, bearing encouraging news for Internet advocates.

The building block of the web must be defended
Big new media companies admit they are still coming for hyperlinks, despite the evidence that it will harm rather than save the news sector.

Copyright in the new TPP: A milestone or a PR move?
The Canadian government pushed for significant improvements to the Intellectual Property chapter in the new TPP, but it's still too early to throw confetti, here's why:

Washington Principles on Copyright Balance in Trade Agreements: OpenMedia joins over 80 global experts and advocates to advance fair copyright in trade
OpenMedia is proud to be a signatory to the Washington Principles on Copyright Balance in Trade Agreements, a joint statement by dozens of international and regional copyright experts, academics, lawyers, and advocates in copyright, trade, and digital policy.

European Parliament’s civil liberties committee strikes blow to dangerous proposals for content censorship
Recommendations for a censorship machine were removed, but remaining loopholes are open to abuse by private companies

How Can NAFTA Get It Right on Copyright? We Went to Washington D.C. to Find Out
OpenMedia's external legal counsel Cynthia Khoo reports back from collaborating with copyright experts and allies in Washington, D.C., to help craft user-centric copyright principles for an updated NAFTA.

U.S. District Court defends online free expression and principles of intermediary liability with recent decision
U.S. ruling blocks Supreme Court of Canada global takedown decision in Google v. Equustek

Three ways NAFTA helps the powerful bend the rules
Corporate greed has no limits. Time and time again we see the big and powerful seize every opportunity they can to suit their interests and trample ours, as in the case of NAFTA:

Your FAQs on ‘Censorship Machines’
What is Article 13 and why should you care about it? We’ve made a handy guide to answer all your questions.

Defending Your Digital Rights in NAFTA 2.0
We recently submitted a brief to the House of Commons Standing Committee on International Trade (CIIT), recommending what the government should do to ensure Canadians’ best interests are protected when it comes to how our digital rights are treated in a new NAFTA.

Open Letter: 57 NGOs ask for deletion of EU copyright censorship filter
Human rights and civil liberties groups across Europe are united against proposals for mandatory filters on all user created content.

Bell Canada: weaponizing copyright
We thought we'd seen it all, but Bell has pitched an outrageous proposal to protect its outdated model and censor the Internet... Through NAFTA

Taking Your Voices on NAFTA to Ottawa
OpenMedia's external legal counsel Cynthia Khoo reports back from meeting with Tracey Ramsey, NDP Critic for International Trade and Vice-Chair of the Standing Committee on International Trade

German government joins growing criticism of European Commission’s content censorship proposals
In a potentially game-changing development, the EU’s largest member is joining six other nations in questioning the legality of the Commission’s proposed copyright changes

The math shows the Link Tax won’t go nearly as far as publishers think
Someone actually did the math and money generated from a Link Tax is "not going to go nearly as far as the news publishers think."

NAFTA: Our Digital Rights are not for sale (or trade)
OpenMedia’s official submission to the NAFTA consultation puts the digital rights concerns of Canadians front and centre

MEPs vote in favour of dangerous censorship proposals
On 11th July, key EU committees made their final call on copyright law & failed to save the link

BREAKING: MEP Pascal Arimont’s all out attack on the right to link
The worst version of the EU copyright plan just got proposed. One MEP is rallying others to a plan for 50 years ownership of links and expansive censorship machines.

Copyright for Creativity Members to MEPs: Put Copyright Back on Track!
In a joint letter with the members of the Copyright for Creativity coalition, we've urged MEPs to oppose the most problematic aspects of the EU's copyright proposal, like the censorship machine and link tax, to help European citizens and businesses prosper in the digital era.

Save the Link heroes
You emailed your MEPs in the thousands, and in return they put through hundreds and hundreds of amendments to change the law for the better.

For these large publishers, it was always about undermining our Right to Link
There’s no shortage of proof that publishing lobbyists and their political allies want a world where you can own a hyperlink.

RightsCon Brussels 2017: Making Facebook Pay (for the News)
We fought the Internet tax and the link tax to stop the open Internet being crushed in the name of saving the media. But what will we do when the next big idea comes along?

NAFTA: Not looking good
Already it looks like the powerful corporate interests behind the TPP are seeking to use upcoming NAFTA negotiations to push their toxic digital agenda

Fundamental liberties at stake in copyright plan
Fundamental rights are under attack in EU plans for content filtering: freedom of expression, rule of law, and right to privacy.

It’s here! Our TPP Citizens’ Report explores how we can rebuild public trust in trade processes
Our Let’s Talk TPP Citizens’ Report is finally here! Check out the full report and use our tool to send it to your MP.

IMCO Committee recommends scrapping the Link Tax and warns about harms of content filtering
Parliament’s Committee on the Internal Market recommends that Commission plans for a Link Tax (Article 11) be completely removed from draft legislation

Copyright and transformative works: how will new laws affect creators of the future?
Lobbyists for the music and publishing industries are hoping to gain new powers to control how we share, collaborate, and create art online. But how will this affect creators? We’re kicking off an interview series with digital artists to find out!

We’re throwing a wrench in the copyright machine
Dangerous new copyright proposals are on the way - here’s our plan to stop them.

European Commission finally admits their copyright proposal would levy a link tax for articles shared on social media
We’ve been arguing that the EU Commission’s new copyright proposal would affect news links shared on social media — and it looks like we’re right.

Notice and…what? Explaining the Copyright Notice Trio
Notice and…takedown? Staydown? Notice? We explain what these phrases mean and why they’re vital to the fight for free expression in 2017.
Our write your MEP tool is making an impact
We’ve been having a huge impact in the EU with thousands of people writing to their MEPs, asking them to #savethelink.

Have a Link Tax Question? Join us on Reddit Ask-Me-Anything(AMA) this Wednesday!
We’re hosting a Reddit AMA! Save the Date and Join us for all your #savethelink questions.

Q&A: One tech journalist’s take on ancillary copyright
The link tax: one tech journalist isn’t buying the claim that it will be good for journalists. Read more from Jennifer Baker.

We need YOU to help us get the word out about link censorship
We’re launching a brand new campaign to make sure that European decision-makers know where Internet users stand on the Commission’s Link Tax and Censorship Robots. Help us get the word out!

Our last chance to knock down the TPP is here, let’s seize it!
The clock is ticking as the government’s public consultations on the TPP close on October 31st, so it’s never been more important that all Canadians stand together to knock down the worst trade deal in history.

We did it! OpenMedia has submitted its arguments to the Supreme Court of Canada
OpenMedia has filed its arguments to the Supreme Court of Canada, defending your free expression online. What’s next?

Only hours away from the Supreme Court!
Our deadline to submit our intervention in defence of the Internet to the Supreme Court of Canada is approaching fast, but there’s still time for you to support this important work.

Will the European Commission’s copyright rules spell destruction for Wikimedia?
Without an exception for nonprofits, monitoring and filtering provisions in the EU Commission’s new copyright law would bankrupt some of our favourite services – like Wikipedia

Why our work at the Supreme Court matters: a case study
Not only is OpenMedia defending your digital rights at the Supreme Court, but our work will help to eliminate cases of censorship-by-copyright online

Mind the ‘value gap’: how the EU Commission is working to reframe its Link Tax and other copyright reforms
In the past several weeks, you’ve probably seen the phrase “value gap” creeping into your newsfeeds. But what does it really mean?

EU Commission formally proposes Link Tax to European Parliament as part of new Copyright Directive
Commission submits “some of the worst copyright rules in the world” to the European Parliament, including unprecedented new Link Tax powers for publishing giants

OpenMedia signs joint letter regarding upcoming Copyright Reform Package
Today OpenMedia joins 22 other organisations to express our concerns about the European Union (EU) Commission’s upcoming copyright reform package.

Report on TPP’s economic cost ignores potential damage to innovation and our digital economy
Basing an overall decision on TPP on such a flawed and limited assessment would be “like buying a used car sight unseen.”

Publishing Giants just hurt the right to link in a disappointing court ruling. Will the EU Commission follow suit?
The Court of Justice of the European Union has ruled that it can be illegal for websites merely to link to copyrighted content, even if they don’t host such content themselves.

The link tax law is leaked, and it looks like it was written by someone who has never used the Internet
A new leak from the European Commission lays out the not-so-specific details of the link tax law and other copyright reforms. And guess what? They only serve media industry giants.

Why is the European Commission hiding the voices of thousands of Internet users?
The European Commission hasn’t released the data that they say justifies the link tax. Where are your voices and their consultation response?

Breaking News: Leaked document reveals EU Commission’s plan to mislead and ignore you in their crusade for a link tax
The European Commission have shown themselves incapable of listening, recent leak shows they intend to push ahead with link tax and ignore public consultation process.

Become a link tax mythbuster
We have been putting together some key myth-busting images that should put the link tax to bed once and for all, showing decision-makers why it's just not going to work.

Is the TPP falling apart? Let’s take a look at where the 12 nations are at
As the TPP grows weaker in the U.S. major uncertainty revolves around its successful ratification. But it is it too early to throw confetti? Let’s take a look at where the twelve signatories stand in the game.

The Link Tax is Running Out of Fuel: You Can Stop It Here
The European Commission is still considering proposals for fees for hyperlinks, AKA: the link tax. They are writing the law now, but they are on the brink of dropping these plans. Let’s remind them we’re not going away.

What does Brexit mean for digital rights in the UK?
Now that the UK has voted to leave the EU in a national referendum, what’s next for digital rights?

Lets get the European Commission back on track to end geoblocking
Last year the European Commission came out with a bold plan to end geoblocking in the EU. But now due to pressure from content industry lobbyists, they’re backing away from their ambitious plans.

Despite strong opposition to the link tax, the European Commission continues to pursue the policy
Internet users concerned over Commission’s continued push forward on unpopular plan to tax links and snippets and possible introduction of new liabilities for online platforms.

We’re taking feedback from thousands of EU Internet users rejecting the link tax to key MEPs
MEPs on key European Parliament committee will meet with your OpenMedia team tomorrow to discuss opposition to ancillary copyright and additional liabilities for online platforms.

As Parliament’s TPP roadshow hits Central Canada, citizens continue to push for more openness and transparency
TPP consultations are making their way through the country, but in response to the limited public participation seen on the first few, the Parliament’s trade committee will now include one hour for public comment in each meeting. Find out where and how you can participate.

What the heck is ancillary copyright and why do we call it the Link Tax?
What the heck is ancillary copyright anyway? And why does it matter? And why do we keep calling it the link tax? All will be revealed within.

EU Commission’s Attempts to Undermine the Hyperlink are a Solution in Search of Problem
What does the leaked draft on the European Commision’s Communication on Platforms reveal and what are its implications for Internet users worldwide?

Top EU Lawyer says linking to copyrighted content doesn’t make you an Internet pirate
Linking out to copyrighted content doesn't make you a criminal, or at least according to this EU lawyer. Why is this a key distinction?

Your TPP message on a giant screen
We've booked a giant Jumbotron to beam your messages directly to decision-makers, and we’ll park it outside the first major TPP consultation. Send us your ideas!

The real poison pill in the TPP
There are multiple reasons why Canadians should be concerned with the TPP. But what is the real poison pill?

WATCH HERE: Making Sense of the TPP, with Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz
Do you want to make sense of the Trans-Pacific Partnership? Watch this live stream with experts on the topic, including Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz.

The European Commission is listening, again: The consultation to end all consultations?
Exciting developments in our Save the Link campaign happened this week!

Top 5 craziest copyright notices
Is that really a copyright violation? You won’t believe these absurd copyright takedowns.

Recapping the Trouble with the TPP: Pt 2
Part two of our summary on Michael Geist's "the trouble with the TPP" series exposes more threats to our digital future in Canada. Find out more about how this agreement will be felt here at home.

Guest blog: Why should loyal VPN customers give up their privacy to watch Netflix?
One of our community members, Tony Djukic, reached out to us to voice his concern over how Netflix cracking down VPNs jeopardizes his family's online privacy and how he values their privacy over anything. If you have any similar experiences you would like to share, please send them our way.
OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet. Take action now
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