The Latest from Marianela Ramos Capelo

The Schrödinger’s cat of copyright: What’s an ‘orphan work’?
There is a gray, Schrödinger's cat kind of area within copyright. Enter: Orphan works.

OpenMedia (alongside 53 organizations) signs letter to EU Council to oppose Articles 11 and 13
OpenMedia joins 53 other organizations in signing a letter urging EU Deputy Ambassador to reject obligatory or voluntary content filters (censorship machines) and the link tax in the ongoing trilogue negotiations.

Why are political parties refusing to comply with Canadian privacy laws?
Why are Canada's political parties exempt from following federal privacy law just like any other business? It is not entirely clear, but the public is demanding immediate action.

Copyright trivia: What is a copyright troll?
An entire industry that profits off suing people for copyright infringement? Meet the “copyright trolls”.

If you want to dress up as Thor for Halloween, is making your own costume a copyright violation?
Do you think you'd be slapped with a copyright violation notice if you were to reproduce one of these characters' likeness for your Halloween costume? Let's explore this copyright curiosity.

Save the Link: The Story So Far
Yesterday, the EU Parliament voted in favour of a Link Tax and Censorship Machines in a catastrophic move for the open Internet. But how did we get here, and what happens now? Here’s the quick and dirty story of Save The Link.

Copyright trivia #3: Can “illegal” graffiti be protected under copyright?
Can illegal graffiti be protected under copyright?

Copyright trivia #2: Who owns the copyright to the national anthem?
Have you ever wondered when watching a sports event on TV: who owns the copyright for the Canadian national anthem at the beginning of the show?
Who owns your tattoos? Copyright issues are all around us.
Ever wondered who owns the copyright to your tattoos?

Copyright trivia #1: Can you digitize your vinyl without infringing copyright law?
Copyright trivia: Can you digitize your vinyl without infringing copyright law?
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