The Latest from Cynthia Khoo

So Long and Thanks for All the Comments
It’s goodbye, but it’s not the end. Thank you for everything, and let’s keep working to build a more just world, online and off.

Washington Principles on Copyright Balance in Trade Agreements: OpenMedia joins over 80 global experts and advocates to advance fair copyright in trade
OpenMedia is proud to be a signatory to the Washington Principles on Copyright Balance in Trade Agreements, a joint statement by dozens of international and regional copyright experts, academics, lawyers, and advocates in copyright, trade, and digital policy.

How Can NAFTA Get It Right on Copyright? We Went to Washington D.C. to Find Out
OpenMedia's external legal counsel Cynthia Khoo reports back from collaborating with copyright experts and allies in Washington, D.C., to help craft user-centric copyright principles for an updated NAFTA.

U.S. District Court defends online free expression and principles of intermediary liability with recent decision
U.S. ruling blocks Supreme Court of Canada global takedown decision in Google v. Equustek

Taking Your Voices on NAFTA to Ottawa
OpenMedia's external legal counsel Cynthia Khoo reports back from meeting with Tracey Ramsey, NDP Critic for International Trade and Vice-Chair of the Standing Committee on International Trade

RightsCon Brussels 2017: Making Facebook Pay (for the News)
We fought the Internet tax and the link tax to stop the open Internet being crushed in the name of saving the media. But what will we do when the next big idea comes along?

Let’s put your Internet installation horror stories on the record
Help us upgrade the CRTC’s system to ensure indie Internet service providers get a fair deal.

OpenMedia is calling on the CRTC to hold major ISPs accountable for high-speed Internet rollout
OpenMedia to CRTC: Canadians are counting on you

Google v. Equustek at the Supreme Court of Canada: Dispatch from the Hearing
As you may recall, OpenMedia intervened in a landmark Internet and free expression case at the Supreme Court of Canada, Google Inc. v. Equustek Solutions. Here's a recap of the big questions being wrestled with at the trial.

Thanks to you, we have a real chance to #EndDataCaps and stop zero-rating
How OpenMedia brought your call to end data caps and ban zero-rating to Canada’s Internet policymakers
OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet. Take action now
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