The Latest from Ruth Coustick-Deal

Article 11 reaches tipping point as hundreds of academics and organisations say NO to the link tax this week.
The clamour against Article 11’s link tax proposal has been overwhelming, with a huge growth in organisations from a broad range of fields and expertise adding their name to the opposition.

Open Letter: 50+ organisations call on Axel Voss MEP to delete Article 11.
European public institutions, companies, start-ups, journalists and libraries, news publishers and civil society organisations are united against proposals for a neighbouring right for press publishers.

62 Professions Harmed by Content Filtering
I delivered your voices on content filtering and the Link Tax to key MEPs in Brussels last week. Here’s the rundown.

We’re Meeting MEPs in Brussels Next Week to Stop Internet Censorship
This is our one last chance to convince key decision makers to side with European Internet users and shut down a misguided plan to build censorship robots to monitor and block our content online.

Germany Goes Pro-Censorship Machines
Germany has published their position on Article 13 — the EU proposal for censorship machines, completely disregarding evidence about content filters and public opposition to this proposal.

Article 13 will set back creativity. We let the artists speak for themselves.
Content filtering, bots scanning for copyrighted content and then blocking what they find, will seriously harm creativity in Europe. That's why artists are joining together to speak out against it.

The dangerous trend for automating censorship, and circumventing laws
Deals between companies and governments working together to automate acceptable content online are too common. Whilst content filtering is being proposed in EU copyright law, in other situations it's all wrapped up in a closed door agreement.

Help our censorship impact research AND speak to your MEPs
Help us research who will be hurt by the plans for a link tax and mass content filtering to make a difference in stopping censorship.

Copyright Week: it’s about changing the power balance
Copyright laws came from good intentions, but it does not operate in balance between creators, consumers and companies. There’s work to do to make these rules just, and to truly encourage creativity.

Content filtering: illegal, unpopular, and broken.
Decision makers are looking to content filtering and algorithms as the solution to all social problems manifested on the web. But they are not the easy fix that they are presented to be.
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