Tag: censorship

The Online News Act: A threat to Canadian News?
The government wants to charge for sharing online news content. What does this mean for Canadian news?

Online Streaming Act Bill C-11 repeats Bill C-10’s mistakes
The government reintroduced Bill C-11 and it's still a mess

A First Look at Canada’s Harmful Content proposal
What’s proposed in the government’s harmful content consultation, and where it falls down.

The reboot no one asked for: Trudeau is reviving “FairPlay”, Bell’s failed website blocking plan
The CRTC rejected a Bell-backed coalition’s website blocking proposal in 2018 after massive public outcry. Now, the federal government is bringing it back — and putting our online freedoms on the line.

Beyond C-10: Inside the government’s plan to suspend Internet users and block website access
On top of Bill C-10, Canada’s government is trying to give itself sweeping censorship powers to shut off access to parts of the web.

Need a break from the election? Here are some happy memories
The past year has been a rollercoaster on the digital rights front. But together, the OpenMedia community has achieved a lot. Here’s an overview of our wins and what’s on the horizon.

Huge win for Canadians as CRTC rejects Bell’s website blocking proposal
Welcome ruling protects Canada from overreaching censorship agency, deferring jurisdiction to reviews of the Copyright, Telecommunications and Broadcasting Acts

Save the Link: The Story So Far
Yesterday, the EU Parliament voted in favour of a Link Tax and Censorship Machines in a catastrophic move for the open Internet. But how did we get here, and what happens now? Here’s the quick and dirty story of Save The Link.

Let’s Talk Copyright to Bring Canada’s Copyright Rules Up to Speed With the Digital Era
A rare opportunity to shape Canada’s copyright regime is right before us. Here’s how we can seize it to shape the rules by and for the people in the digital era.

The Internet fight we’re too ‘shy’ to fight because… sex?
Laws impacting the Internet made in one place can have implications beyond their geographical jurisdiction. But in some instances, little noise is made about these laws despite their global impact — why?

62 Professions Harmed by Content Filtering
I delivered your voices on content filtering and the Link Tax to key MEPs in Brussels last week. Here’s the rundown.

Germany Goes Pro-Censorship Machines
Germany has published their position on Article 13 — the EU proposal for censorship machines, completely disregarding evidence about content filters and public opposition to this proposal.

Bell’s Website Blocking Plan Is Authoritarian Overkill
"With legal options for content delivery on the upswing, effective tools for curbing piracy already in place, and illegal sharing on the downward slide, Bell's website blocking proposal is like using a machine gun to kill a mosquito."

Thanks to you, our #DontCensor billboard is now up in Toronto!
Just in time for the day of action to protest Bell coalition’s website blocking plan, our #DontCensor billboard is now up in Toronto. Once again, this would have not been possible without the support of our community — thank you!

Feb. 28 is the Day of Action against a Bell-led censorship initiative — join us!
Mark the date on your calendars — on February 28 Canadians across the country are coming together to protest Bell coalition's website blocking plan. Here’s how you can participate.

Opposition mounts to Bell coalition’s website blocking plan
Thousands of Canadians are expressing their opposition to Bell coalition's overreaching website blocking plan.

Will Canada Pass a SOPA-like Proposal? Canadian Media Companies Hope So
Our friends at Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) break down why Bell coalition's SOPA-like website blocking plan is deeply flawed:

The CRTC must reject new overreaching Internet censorship proposal
Bell-led coalition proposes government-backed website blocking system that advocates warn will harm consumers and free expression online

Copyright Week: it’s about changing the power balance
Copyright laws came from good intentions, but it does not operate in balance between creators, consumers and companies. There’s work to do to make these rules just, and to truly encourage creativity.

U.S. District Court defends online free expression and principles of intermediary liability with recent decision
U.S. ruling blocks Supreme Court of Canada global takedown decision in Google v. Equustek

Three ways NAFTA helps the powerful bend the rules
Corporate greed has no limits. Time and time again we see the big and powerful seize every opportunity they can to suit their interests and trample ours, as in the case of NAFTA:

Bell Canada: weaponizing copyright
We thought we'd seen it all, but Bell has pitched an outrageous proposal to protect its outdated model and censor the Internet... Through NAFTA

German government joins growing criticism of European Commission’s content censorship proposals
In a potentially game-changing development, the EU’s largest member is joining six other nations in questioning the legality of the Commission’s proposed copyright changes

Your social media history could determine your U.S. visa eligibility
The right to freely express our thoughts and political views online is under serious threat.

MEPs vote in favour of dangerous censorship proposals
On 11th July, key EU committees made their final call on copyright law & failed to save the link

Copyright and transformative works: how will new laws affect creators of the future?
Lobbyists for the music and publishing industries are hoping to gain new powers to control how we share, collaborate, and create art online. But how will this affect creators? We’re kicking off an interview series with digital artists to find out!

We’re throwing a wrench in the copyright machine
Dangerous new copyright proposals are on the way - here’s our plan to stop them.

Legislating against “fake news” leads us down a path to censorship
The fake news phenomenon is taking over the airwaves. But what does “fake news” even mean — and is it possible to legislate against it without sending us down a censorship rabbit hole?

CRTC rules that website blocking provisions of Québec’s Bill 74 violate federal law
Pro-Internet advocates welcome ruling, having argued that Bill 74’s website blocking raises censorship concerns and violates rules which keep our Internet free and open.

The Internet tax is a raw deal for all of us
The Internet Tax – a defeated and deflated policy attempted in Hungary – is making its way to Canada. Yikes!

Email your MEP: It’s time to talk Save the Link
The link is under attack. But right now it’s in the hands of elected representatives that have the chance to stop it and you can tell them directly why they need to Save the Link.

We need YOU to help us get the word out about link censorship
We’re launching a brand new campaign to make sure that European decision-makers know where Internet users stand on the Commission’s Link Tax and Censorship Robots. Help us get the word out!

Europe’s Censorship Robots: An attack on our basic rights
Copyright proposals coming out of the European Commission are attacking our fundamental rights – now that’s outrageous.

We did it! OpenMedia has submitted its arguments to the Supreme Court of Canada
OpenMedia has filed its arguments to the Supreme Court of Canada, defending your free expression online. What’s next?

Only hours away from the Supreme Court!
Our deadline to submit our intervention in defence of the Internet to the Supreme Court of Canada is approaching fast, but there’s still time for you to support this important work.

Why our work at the Supreme Court matters: a case study
Not only is OpenMedia defending your digital rights at the Supreme Court, but our work will help to eliminate cases of censorship-by-copyright online

This depends on YOU: will you help us take Free Expression to new heights at the Supreme Court?
Your support is vital to ensure our Supreme Court case has impact

OpenMedia signs joint letter regarding upcoming Copyright Reform Package
Today OpenMedia joins 22 other organisations to express our concerns about the European Union (EU) Commission’s upcoming copyright reform package.

Québec mise sur la censure d’internet : que contient le projet de loi 74 et comment peut-on l’éliminer?
Un cas flagrant de censure d’internet pour le profit.

Québec is gambling with Internet censorship: what is Bill 74 and how can we kill it?
Blatant censorship of the Internet for financial gain.

Despite strong opposition to the link tax, the European Commission continues to pursue the policy
Internet users concerned over Commission’s continued push forward on unpopular plan to tax links and snippets and possible introduction of new liabilities for online platforms.

European Commission’s decision to exclude citizens’ feedback from its own public consultation will undermine trust in EU institutions
Over 10,000 individually-written responses to the Commission’s consultation on the role of online platforms, including over 2500 from EU citizens, ignored in Commission’s initial analysis.

The bad idea that just got worse: how today’s European #copyright plans will damage the Internet
This afternoon the European Commission released its copyright communication, intended to set the direction for copyright reform for the entire EU under the Digital Single Market strategy.

CBC: Google ordered to remove ‘right to be forgotten’ stories after ‘right to be forgotten’ ruling
The new EU 'right to be forgotten' ruling conflicts with our right to knowledge and free expression. Why should people like web companies, politicians, or governments force search engines and other aggregators to remove links to articles about their activities without a judicial process? Learn more below and check out our growing international campaign to Save The Link at SaveTheLink.org
Article by CBC News

CBC: Leaked Trans-Pacific Partnership draft would force Canada to rework copyright, critics say
If Canada adopts the TPP, it will criminalize your Internet use and force your Internet provider and search engines to censor online content, things the government had consistently rejected throughout the copyright reform process. Speak out now at StoptheSecrecy.net
Article by Zack Dubinsky for CBC

Tyee: TPP Deal Puts BC’s Privacy Laws in the Crosshairs
The TPP would render B.C. privacy laws useless. Speak out now to repeal this secretive, Internet-censoring deal at StoptheSecrecy.net
Article by Scott Sinclair for The Tyee
British Columbia's privacy laws are in the crosshairs of the nearly completed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement. If you're wondering what the heck data privacy protections have to do with trade, you're not alone. Public awareness of the far-reaching, 12-country negotiation is scant, with polls showing three-quarters of Canadians have never even heard of the TPP.

IBTimes: The TPP will leave us unprotected
The TPP gives industry lobbyists the power to sue our government in secret form tribunals over any law or regulation they claim affects their future profits. Speak out now at http://StoptheSecrecy.net
Article by David Sirota for the International Business Times

What does MEP Cavada want the future of copyright to look like?
At OpenMedia in our fight to protect the free and open Internet, we often come up against worthy adversaries. Sometimes they are elected representatives, sometimes they’re industry spokespeople, and sometimes they’re lobbyists. But as we work to move the world towards a more connected digital age, inevitably there will be those who resist.

Australians to Canadians: Beware TPP economic fallout
Over 125,000 people - including tens of thousands of Canadians - have now spoken out about the damaging Internet censorship proposals in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). We know from leaked drafts all about how the TPP would make your Internet more expensive, censored, and policed.
Now, our friends in Australia are sounding the alarm about how the TPP could wreak havoc on Canada’s economy. Australians know well the economic damage that unbalanced and extreme Internet censorship rules can cause. Australia was forced to adopt extreme copyright rules as part of the Australia-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (AUSFTA) - rules which caused over $80 million dollars worth of damage to the Australian economy.
The Internet Insider | Say No To Internet Censorship
Listen up, world leaders! The citizens of the Internet have a few demands. We want to put an end to threats to Internet freedom. Head over to OpenMedia.org/Censorship to send a clear message to world leaders that we will not stand for the closed, censored and policed Internet outlined in the TPP.
For the Internet,
- The OpenMedia.ca Team
OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet. Take action now
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