The Latest from Matt Hatfield

The Rise of the Tech Oligarchs Part II: The Anatomy of Oligarchy
What we can learn from Elon Musk.

The Rise of the Tech Oligarchs Part I: How we got here
Musk, Zuckerberg, and all the rest.

Squeezing blood from a stone: why the CRTC fails Canadians
The CRTC is fixated on a telecom competition strategy that cannot work.

What’s wrong with Bill S-210? An OpenMedia FAQ
It’s been called the “Most dangerous Canadian Internet bill you’ve never heard of”.

What’s an MVNO? an OpenMedia FAQ
Questions and answers on how MVNOs would fix Canada’s broken telecom market

The Online News Act: A threat to Canadian News?
The government wants to charge for sharing online news content. What does this mean for Canadian news?

OpenMedia’s response to the Federal Government’s ‘harmful content’ consultation
Our submission to the department of Canadian Heritage explains what they have wrong in dealing with ‘online harms’, and how to fix it.

A First Look at Canada’s Harmful Content proposal
What’s proposed in the government’s harmful content consultation, and where it falls down.

Everything you didn’t know about CanCon
And what it means for 21st-century streaming content in Canada

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