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Squeezing blood from a stone: why the CRTC fails Canadians

The CRTC is fixated on a telecom competition strategy that cannot work.

On Tuesday, May 28th, we were pleased to join the Senate's Transport and Communications committee to talk about telecom provisions the government has put into the federal budget in Division 37, Part 4 - new rules that would ban telecom companies from hiding cheaper cell phone and Internet plans from you, or adding junk fees to your bill if you want to switch to them.

We found senators deeply frustrated with the CRTC; as angry as customers and Canadians that our telecom system isn't getting better, faster as you or me. 

So we took some time to talk with them about why the CRTC's strategy for better telecom services not only isn't working, but can't ever work. 

You can watch the live video here, or read our opening remarks.

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