Tag: telecom

Guest Blog: The crisis in mobile competition
This blog is written by one of our community members, Kevin Hudes, who is a PhD student at Toronto Metropolitan University in the Communication and Culture program. His work centers around how competition can encourage more affordable telecommunications services in Canada.

Your voice, DELIVERED: OpenMedia community urges CRTC to dethrone Big Telecom’s fibre monopoly!
We submitted input from nearly 4,500 people to the CRTC, urging the Commission to force Big Telecom to provide fibre wholesale access to indie ISPs!

Bill C-288: Taking your voice to the Standing Committee on Industry, Science, and Technology
With your help, we told the government that people deserve to get what they’re paying for when it comes to Internet speeds.

OpenMedia calls on new chair of CRTC to prioritize competition, affordability, and everyday people’s needs
Canada’s Internet is dangerously adrift. OpenMedia’s letter to new CRTC chair Vicky Eatrides urges her to put us back on track.

Your voice, DELIVERED: 103,000+ petition signers urge Senate to fix Bill C-11!
Canada’s Senate just introduced a key amendment that nips many of Bill C-11’s problems in the bud — but brought a HUGE new threat to our privacy along with it.

DEBUNKED! Did Minister Champagne actually stop the Rogers-Shaw buyout?
Or did he approve it? The truth is: Champagne rubber stamped the affordability-crushing deal. Here’s how he pulled off the sleight of hand.

Minister Champagne’s 3 Simple Steps to Collapsing Internet Competition in Canada
Our “Minister of Collapse” must undo this affordability disaster of his own making.

CIVIL SOCIETY JOINT STATEMENT: 28,000 voices warn—Innovation Minister Champagne is on the hook to curb telecom monopolies after the Rogers outage
OpenMedia and Leadnow call on Minister François-Philippe Champagne to end Canada’s telecom monopolies and guarantee affordable and reliable high-speed Internet for everyone in Canada.

Your voice, DELIVERED: OpenMedia’s submission to the government’s CRTC policy direction consultation is in!
Nearly 16,000 members of the OpenMedia community have spoken out to shape the future of the CRTC. Thank you for adding your voices!

What is the CRTC? And why should I care?
Laying out what the CRTC is and how it affects the daily life of Canadians.

Your voice, DELIVERED: OpenMedia’s latest petition to stop Rogers from buying Shaw is in!
To date, the OpenMedia community has called on the government a whopping 34,700+ times to block Rogers-Shaw. Talk about a deafening response!

It’s time for a public interest champion to take over at the CRTC
We need a CRTC chair without ties to Big Telecom.

CRTC acknowledges Big Telecom’s sales practices are problematic, but without any commitment for next steps
CRTC fails to provide any penalties to offending telecoms, or accountability to prevent these behaviours from continuing.

Net Neutrality and affordability at the heart of the Canadian Telecom Act review
Questions about funding Canadian Content leave the Internet Tax problematically on the table in the Broadcast Act review
Standing Together to Build a Brighter Digital Future
There are powerful forces standing in the way of the world we want to build, but with you by our side, we keep moving forward.

Budget 2017 promises review of Canadian Internet policies, but disappoints in lack of investment for infrastructure
Limited funding to support Internet connectivity for low-income families is welcome, but budget will disappoint those hoping for the government to deliver on CRTC’s call for a National Broadband Strategy

How Community Broadband can deliver faster, cheaper Internet for all Canadians
Community broadband is an exciting opportunity for Canadians to take the their digital future into their own hands by building their own Internet. That's right - their own!

“Listen to Canadians, Aim Higher for Canada, and Protect Innovation for All” — OpenMedia at today’s #EndDataCaps CRTC hearings
Today, with support from 55,000 of you, OpenMedia testified at crucial CRTC hearings, and called on them to End Data Caps. Here’s what happened!

Tomorrow, we’re testifying at the CRTC to End Data Caps! Here’s how to follow us live
On Thursday, your OpenMedia team is testifying at the CRTC, calling on them to stand up for consumers and End Data Caps. Here’s how to stay in the loop.

Spotlight turns to data caps, as CRTC study reveals skyrocketing data usage along with price increases
One week before high-profile CRTC hearing on data caps and Internet pricing, Commission's own study confirms data usage surged 40% from 2014 to 2015

Spotlight turns to data caps, as CRTC study reveals skyrocketing data usage along with price increases
One week before high-profile CRTC hearing on data caps and Internet pricing, Commission's own study confirms data usage surged 40% from 2014 to 2015

Big Win for Canadians, as CRTC forces Big Telecom to lower wholesale rates
Regulator steps in to significantly reduce wholesale high-speed access rates charged to independent ISPs, after finding telecom giants ignored accepted costing principles

CRTC decision paves way for affordable fibre Internet choice, but could have gone further
Customers can now look forward to accessing high-speed fibre Internet from affordable indie providers, but some surprising choices by CRTC will limit the range of competitive options available to Canadians

CRTC review opens door to improve Wireless Code’s customer safeguards
Three years after Wireless Code was first published, it’s clear there’s room for improvement in protecting Canadians from Big Telecom mistreatment

U.S. Net Neutrality ruling sends a clear message to the CRTC
June’s ‘open Internet’ win in the United States may be a sign of what’s to come for the CRTC’s Net Neutrality review.

Will the open Internet survive the EU’s ambiguous Net Neutrality legislation?
Last year the EU Parliament passed Net Neutrality legislation that was largely an ambiguous mixed bag. The coming weeks will determine which way it goes.

Reforms to the CCTS telecom complaints body should benefit customers
TV customers to benefit from a clearer, more effective complaints resolution process.

We’re challenging a crucial CRTC decision on behalf of Canadians
Last night, OpenMedia filed detailed and significant comments in support of a crucial challenge that will determine whether Canadians get access to new, independent wireless providers like Ting. If the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) listens to Canadians, bad parts of a recent ruling will be overturned and a new level playing field will allow a wide range of new mobile providers to set up shop and sell services to Canadians.
Back in May, the CRTC took a significant step towards ensuring Canadians have access to more affordable options in our mobile phone and Internet market.

Canada is going backwards on telecom prices
This article was originally published at Rabble.ca
If you're a Canadian and you own a cell phone, you probably don't need an official report to tell you that you're paying way over the odds.
A glance at your monthly phone bill should be more than enough to remind you that Canadians really do pay some of the highest prices in the industrialized world for this basic necessity of modern day life.

New privacy report warns about rampant Canadian telecom surveillance
An open Internet is free from government surveillance. Using the Internet to spy on people degrades our freedom and weakens our democracy. Tell that to your Senators at StopC51.ca
Article by Emily Chung for CBC News
Canadian telecommunications providers have been handing over vast amounts of customer information to law enforcement and government departments and agencies with little transparency or oversight, a new report says.

Should Rogers be allowed to block us from watching Hockey Night online?
Big Telecom is running scared of cord-cutters - and is doing what it takes to block them from watching their favourite shows online. It looks like Rogers is even planning to block Canadians from watching Hockey Night online. They want to trap Canadians in expensive and outdated service plans - and they’re using their power and control to do so. It’s not too late to push back by telling decision-makers at the CRTC to put Canadians first when it comes to our digital future.
Have you cut the cord from your television service recently - or are you considering it? If so, you’ve probably noticed it’s getting more difficult to watch the content you want online. The reason is clear - Big Telecom is terrified of cord-cutters and is determined to do what it takes to trap Canadians in their expensive TV service plans.
OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet. Take action now
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