Tag: mvno

OpenMedia calls on new chair of CRTC to prioritize competition, affordability, and everyday people’s needs
Canada’s Internet is dangerously adrift. OpenMedia’s letter to new CRTC chair Vicky Eatrides urges her to put us back on track.

DEBUNKED! Did Minister Champagne actually stop the Rogers-Shaw buyout?
Or did he approve it? The truth is: Champagne rubber stamped the affordability-crushing deal. Here’s how he pulled off the sleight of hand.

Minister Champagne’s 3 Simple Steps to Collapsing Internet Competition in Canada
Our “Minister of Collapse” must undo this affordability disaster of his own making.

FAQ: Why it’s crucial Canada’s next CRTC Chair be a champion for the people’s Internet
This is our once-in-5-years shot to appoint a CRTC Chair who stands up for the people, NOT Big Telecom.

CRTC Offers Far Too Little, Far Too Late in Stuttering Bid for More Cell Phone Competition
Penned by Tamir Israel from Samuelson-Glushko Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic (CIPPIC), this deep dive into the April 15th CRTC MVNO decision outlines how the Commission’s regulatory solution offers slim hopes for Canada’s cell phone market.

Setting the record straight: How the CRTC’s decision on MVNOs tanks cheaper cell phone prices
The CRTC made the decision rejecting full MVNOs to benefit Big Telecom — not you.
BREAKING: New CRTC Announcement means more choice and cheaper Internet prices for Canadians
By lowering wholesale broadband Internet rates, the CRTC is lowering barriers for small Internet providers to enter the market!

Success! We delivered your voices to the CRTC to overhaul Canada’s mobile market
This week we delivered over 18,000 voices to the CRTC along with our detailed policy submission to overhaul Canada’s mobile market and bring customers affordability, choice and better access. Thank you for speaking out and here’s what’s next!

It’s time to bring Canada’s wireless market out of the Stone Age — here’s how
Why do people in Canada still pay some of the most expensive cell phone bills in the industrialized world? Here's how it all went down, where we are now, and where to next:

Critics call Big Telecom’s low data plans ‘embarrassing’
"It's embarrassing and quite frankly it's rude to think that these are functional plans,"

CRTC failed Canadians, again. Over to you, Minister Bains
Last week the CRTC shut the door on an opportunity to bring Canadians more mobile choices and lower prices. So we are looking to Minister Navdeep Bains to step in and help affect change.
CRTC rejects opportunity to bring increased competition to Canada’s wireless market
All eyes turn to Innovation Minister Navdeep Bains to address affordability with wholesale mobile access and mandate set-rates for MVNOs

Lowering our cell bills: Your voice on the public record
1 in 3 low-income Canadians can’t afford a cellphone. That means no emergency calls when away from a landline, no texting with loved ones, no access to maps, email, and the online tools and services that we all depend on every day.

The CRTC now knows 45,000 Canadians stand with innovative new wireless providers
But, will they let Rogers kill a brand new cell phone provider?

Can a successful regional mobile provider go national? Not in Canada.
At least, not if telecom giants Rogers and Bell get their way.

Why is Rogers trying to kill a brand new $19 per month cell provider?
They’re at it again: telecom giants Rogers and Bell are trying to crush an innovative, affordable mobile provider. We’re taking this to the CRTC, and we need you to stand with us.
OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet. Take action now
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