Tag: link tax

The Online News Act: A threat to Canadian News?
The government wants to charge for sharing online news content. What does this mean for Canadian news?

The BTL…What? What is the BTLR report and what it means for the future of our Internet
The report grants the CRTC far-reaching powers over media, but fails to provide systemic solutions to the issue of telecom affordability and access.

European Parliament approves unpopular Link Tax and mandatory content filtering in its final vote on the Copyright Directive
Despite massive public outcry and opposition from dozens of experts and academics the European Parliament failed to even allow a vote on amendments
European Copyright Directive passes, setting dangerous precedent for the open Internet
Despite massive public opposition, the European Parliament has rubber-stamped a Link Tax and Censorship Machines

The new EU Copyright Directive is almost upon us and here’s what you can do to stop Articles 11 and 13
We are only a few days from the finalized text of the EU Copyright Directive and this is our last chance to make some noise to stop the toxic Link Tax and Censorship Machines. Join us!

OpenMedia (alongside 53 organizations) signs letter to EU Council to oppose Articles 11 and 13
OpenMedia joins 53 other organizations in signing a letter urging EU Deputy Ambassador to reject obligatory or voluntary content filters (censorship machines) and the link tax in the ongoing trilogue negotiations.

Save the Link: The Story So Far
Yesterday, the EU Parliament voted in favour of a Link Tax and Censorship Machines in a catastrophic move for the open Internet. But how did we get here, and what happens now? Here’s the quick and dirty story of Save The Link.

Sad day for the Internet: EU Parliament approves a Link Tax and Censorship Machines
MEPs narrowly approved, despite citizens' and experts' concerns, supporting dangerous copyright proposals that will fundamentally change the Internet as we know it

WIN: The EU Parliament sends copyright law back to the drawing board
Today, the European Parliament sided with Internet users and voted to reject the proposed copyright proposal, which includes the dangerous Link Tax and Censorship Machine provisions.

EU Legal Committee Approves Controversial Copyright Directive
In a major blow to the open Internet, the vote supports push for a link tax and censorship machines that will have a global impact

Article 11 reaches tipping point as hundreds of academics and organisations say NO to the link tax this week.
The clamour against Article 11’s link tax proposal has been overwhelming, with a huge growth in organisations from a broad range of fields and expertise adding their name to the opposition.

Open Letter: 50+ organisations call on Axel Voss MEP to delete Article 11.
European public institutions, companies, start-ups, journalists and libraries, news publishers and civil society organisations are united against proposals for a neighbouring right for press publishers.

Help our censorship impact research AND speak to your MEPs
Help us research who will be hurt by the plans for a link tax and mass content filtering to make a difference in stopping censorship.

The building block of the web must be defended
Big new media companies admit they are still coming for hyperlinks, despite the evidence that it will harm rather than save the news sector.

EU Parliament’s own report says ditch the controversial link tax
Huge win for Internet users as expert research, commissioned by key parliamentary committee, says the link tax should go.

BREAKING: Leaked copyright proposal shows momentum building behind positive alternative to the Link Tax
Documents from the Council of the EU reveal that momentum is building among member states for an alternative to the deeply unpopular Link Tax

The math shows the Link Tax won’t go nearly as far as publishers think
Someone actually did the math and money generated from a Link Tax is "not going to go nearly as far as the news publishers think."

MEPs vote in favour of dangerous censorship proposals
On 11th July, key EU committees made their final call on copyright law & failed to save the link

Complete reversal and betrayal from major EU Party
The European People’s Party (EPP) — the largest party in the EU — has announced they are officially backing the Link Tax. It’s an insulting blow to public voices, informed decision-making, and democracy.

Good News / Bad News: MEPs split on standing up for your rights
Key MEP committee disappoints the public and lets the link tax pass but stops the censorship machine.

BREAKING: MEP Pascal Arimont’s all out attack on the right to link
The worst version of the EU copyright plan just got proposed. One MEP is rallying others to a plan for 50 years ownership of links and expansive censorship machines.

Copyright for Creativity Members to MEPs: Put Copyright Back on Track!
In a joint letter with the members of the Copyright for Creativity coalition, we've urged MEPs to oppose the most problematic aspects of the EU's copyright proposal, like the censorship machine and link tax, to help European citizens and businesses prosper in the digital era.

Link tax slammed by major Spanish newspaper El País
The European Commission’s plans for a Link Tax have been dealt another blow — this time by leading Spanish newspaper El País

Fundamental liberties at stake in copyright plan
Fundamental rights are under attack in EU plans for content filtering: freedom of expression, rule of law, and right to privacy.

Good news! The European Parliament has just dealt a major blow to the Commission’s Link Tax plans
A closely-watched report from the EU Copyright Rapporteur recommends the Link Tax be removed from draft legislation — but doesn’t go far enough to address concerns about content censorship

IMCO Committee recommends scrapping the Link Tax and warns about harms of content filtering
Parliament’s Committee on the Internal Market recommends that Commission plans for a Link Tax (Article 11) be completely removed from draft legislation

We went to MozFest and all we came back with were new ways to contribute to the future of the web
Your OpenMedia team’s report back on our experience at the Mozilla Festival, the open Internet conference.

Have a Link Tax Question? Join us on Reddit Ask-Me-Anything(AMA) this Wednesday!
We’re hosting a Reddit AMA! Save the Date and Join us for all your #savethelink questions.

Email your MEP: It’s time to talk Save the Link
The link is under attack. But right now it’s in the hands of elected representatives that have the chance to stop it and you can tell them directly why they need to Save the Link.

Europe’s Censorship Robots: An attack on our basic rights
Copyright proposals coming out of the European Commission are attacking our fundamental rights – now that’s outrageous.

MEPs standing up and saving the link
Not all decision-makers want to enforce link tax & anti-Internet proposals. Some are working hard in the EU to challenge the worst copyright rules in the world.

A Hitchhikers Guide to the Link Tax — delivering your message to MEPs
We’ve produced an official guide to the Link Tax, to ensure MEPs hear your voices before they start to examine the European Commission’s unpopular plan.

Delivering your voices against the #LinkTax to the European Parliament
On Thursday as part of our fight to defend the right to link, our free expression campaigner went to the European Parliament to deliver your voices

Will the European Commission’s copyright rules spell destruction for Wikimedia?
Without an exception for nonprofits, monitoring and filtering provisions in the EU Commission’s new copyright law would bankrupt some of our favourite services – like Wikipedia

Mind the ‘value gap’: how the EU Commission is working to reframe its Link Tax and other copyright reforms
In the past several weeks, you’ve probably seen the phrase “value gap” creeping into your newsfeeds. But what does it really mean?

EU Commission formally proposes Link Tax to European Parliament as part of new Copyright Directive
Commission submits “some of the worst copyright rules in the world” to the European Parliament, including unprecedented new Link Tax powers for publishing giants

OpenMedia signs joint letter regarding upcoming Copyright Reform Package
Today OpenMedia joins 22 other organisations to express our concerns about the European Union (EU) Commission’s upcoming copyright reform package.

Publishing Giants just hurt the right to link in a disappointing court ruling. Will the EU Commission follow suit?
The Court of Justice of the European Union has ruled that it can be illegal for websites merely to link to copyrighted content, even if they don’t host such content themselves.

Publishers AND Internet users are standing together against the Link Tax
Publishers are against ancillary copyright too! As the deadline for the save the link consultation closes more and more businesses are speaking out against the link tax.

We have just 36 hours to Save the Link!
The clock is ticking to Save the Link: We have just a few days left to tell the European Commission not to make link tax laws.

Use this tool to stop the link tax
Our friends at Copyright for Creativity have created a powerful tool that will help you tell decision-makers exactly why the link tax is a bad idea.

Save the Link supporters: You’re being heard
Highlighting our key concerns with the European Commission’s analysis of your feedback, and the upcoming proposals on the Digital Single Market plan.

Despite strong opposition to the link tax, the European Commission continues to pursue the policy
Internet users concerned over Commission’s continued push forward on unpopular plan to tax links and snippets and possible introduction of new liabilities for online platforms.

Delivering your voices at the European Parliament in Strasbourg
Yesterday as a part of our campaign to safeguard our right to link, we took your voices straight to European Parliament.

We’re taking feedback from thousands of EU Internet users rejecting the link tax to key MEPs
MEPs on key European Parliament committee will meet with your OpenMedia team tomorrow to discuss opposition to ancillary copyright and additional liabilities for online platforms.

EU Commission’s Attempts to Undermine the Hyperlink are a Solution in Search of Problem
What does the leaked draft on the European Commision’s Communication on Platforms reveal and what are its implications for Internet users worldwide?

The European Commission is listening, again: The consultation to end all consultations?
Exciting developments in our Save the Link campaign happened this week!

European Commission’s decision to exclude citizens’ feedback from its own public consultation will undermine trust in EU institutions
Over 10,000 individually-written responses to the Commission’s consultation on the role of online platforms, including over 2500 from EU citizens, ignored in Commission’s initial analysis.

Huge coalition of MEPs come out against ancillary copyright
83 MEPs have spoken out against ancillary copyright and Internet users stand with them.
OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet. Take action now
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