Tag: freedom of expression

What we heard from YOU on child online safety
Results show parents' concerns about their children's exposure to harmful content and lack of knowledge on online safety practices.

My one year at OpenMedia wrapped
Our Freedom of Expression campaigner wrapped up her first year at OpenMedia; here are her main takeaways.

Your voice DELIVERED: Over 35,000 signatures to the Senate on Bill C-11.
This week, we delivered 35k petition signatures to our Senators demanding they fix Bill C-11!

Taking your message on Bill C-11 straight to the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage
We took your voices to Parliament, will they act now?

Online Streaming Act Bill C-11 repeats Bill C-10’s mistakes
The government reintroduced Bill C-11 and it's still a mess

#InternetSOS: OpenMedia’s 2021 Election Platform for our Internet
Canada's Internet is trapped in dangerously lobbyist-infested waters. Our 2021 election platform lays out a plan for getting back on course.

Thousands of OpenMedia community members just stood up to defend Canada’s Internet from website blocking!
The May 27 Day of Action saw over 2500 comments sent to the government in a single day, for a total of 14,000 by the consultation deadline.

Beyond C-10: Inside the government’s plan to suspend Internet users and block website access
On top of Bill C-10, Canada’s government is trying to give itself sweeping censorship powers to shut off access to parts of the web.

Everything you didn’t know about CanCon
And what it means for 21st-century streaming content in Canada

Tips for protest safety during the pandemic
Are you considering attending one of the ongoing protests against racial injustice? OpenMedia has put together tips on doing so as safely and securely as you can.

European Commission finally admits their copyright proposal would levy a link tax for articles shared on social media
We’ve been arguing that the EU Commission’s new copyright proposal would affect news links shared on social media — and it looks like we’re right.

We’re taking feedback from thousands of EU Internet users rejecting the link tax to key MEPs
MEPs on key European Parliament committee will meet with your OpenMedia team tomorrow to discuss opposition to ancillary copyright and additional liabilities for online platforms.

CJFE: Sunday is World Press Freedom Day. What’s the state of free expression in Canada?
The continued failure to reform our outdated Access to Information Act has led to a backlogged, inefficient system for accessing public information, seriously infringing the public’s collective right to know. Policies prohibiting federal scientists from speaking about their research are preventing Canadians from having detailed, reliable information about our environment.
Most recently, Bill C-51 poses a serious threat to free expression through its expansion of digital surveillance. This legislation will give Canadian security agencies the unjustifiable ability to spy on individuals who have done nothing wrong, without creating any additional accountability, oversight, or justification that these measures are necessary or effective.
OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet. Take action now
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