Tag: cell phones

OpenMedia to Cabinet: MVNOs are the only path to cheaper cell phone prices
OpenMedia and CIPPIC just filed a submission urging Cabinet to order the CRTC to mandate MVNO wholesale access in Canada.
Election 2021: Where the parties stand on cell phone affordability
Lower cell phone bills are on the agenda for some parties this election. Others? Not so much.

CRTC Offers Far Too Little, Far Too Late in Stuttering Bid for More Cell Phone Competition
Penned by Tamir Israel from Samuelson-Glushko Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic (CIPPIC), this deep dive into the April 15th CRTC MVNO decision outlines how the Commission’s regulatory solution offers slim hopes for Canada’s cell phone market.

Setting the record straight: How the CRTC’s decision on MVNOs tanks cheaper cell phone prices
The CRTC made the decision rejecting full MVNOs to benefit Big Telecom — not you.

BC just released their report on the cell phone affordability consultations. What’s next?
The BC government has released a report on cell phone contract that will shock no one.

Will this be the election that breaks up the Big Three?
The winner of this election will determine whether Canada’s telecom oligopoly continues to rule or makes way for new competitors and lower prices.

The B.C. government wants to hear your cell phone horror stories—let’s make sure they listen
The B.C. government has announced its plan to improve customer protections for cell phone users and it could result in much needed, ground-breaking changes.

The ads that Vancouver Airport executives don’t want you to see
Vancouver International authorities don't want people to know about digital strip searches at the border, but we're fighting back

Digital device privacy at the Canadian border
Canada’s border agents can search digital devices like phones and laptops when you cross the border. But that’s only because our laws are in serious need of an update.

Opportunity is knocking – let’s end data caps in Canada
Now is the time to end data caps in Canada – all we need is your help

As Big Telecom ramps up lobbying, will government cave?
It looks like the Big Three telecom giants are fighting hard to maintain their stranglehold over our wireless market, and over Canadians’ wallets. The Big Three have been on the back foot since pressure from tens of thousands of Canadians won positive new customer protection rules last year, along with a clear government commitment to increase choice and lower prices.
Now Big Telecom is pushing back. They’re sitting on huge piles of cash after years of price-gouging Canadians with some of the highest prices in the industrialized world. It seems they’ve been using that money to hire expensive Ottawa lobbyists to pressure the government.
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