Tag: innovation

Guest Blog: National Capital Freenet (NCF) is “still fighting for change after 30 years”
Minister Champagne’s refusal to revisit the CRTC’s Internet price hikes has hurt independent providers’ efforts to close the digital divide.

DEBUNKED! Did Minister Champagne actually stop the Rogers-Shaw buyout?
Or did he approve it? The truth is: Champagne rubber stamped the affordability-crushing deal. Here’s how he pulled off the sleight of hand.

New antitrust laws could save you from Big Tech’s choke-hold
What are Antitrust laws, and why should you care? Your questions answered

CIVIL SOCIETY JOINT STATEMENT: 28,000 voices warn—Innovation Minister Champagne is on the hook to curb telecom monopolies after the Rogers outage
OpenMedia and Leadnow call on Minister François-Philippe Champagne to end Canada’s telecom monopolies and guarantee affordable and reliable high-speed Internet for everyone in Canada.

Your voice, DELIVERED: OpenMedia’s latest petition to stop Rogers from buying Shaw is in!
To date, the OpenMedia community has called on the government a whopping 34,700+ times to block Rogers-Shaw. Talk about a deafening response!

Huge win for open Internet as U.S. Senate votes to restore Net Neutrality protections
Next step is for the House of Representatives to vote to reject the Federal Communications Commission’s assault on the open Internet — so we must keep up the pressure!

CRTC extends competition protections to broadband Internet competitors
Competitor Quality of Service Regime decision a step towards ensuring lower prices in wireline sector by increasing fairness for indie Internet Service Providers, but misses opportunity to do the same for wireless
CRTC rejects opportunity to bring increased competition to Canada’s wireless market
All eyes turn to Innovation Minister Navdeep Bains to address affordability with wholesale mobile access and mandate set-rates for MVNOs
U.S. Federal Communications Commission votes to repeal Net Neutrality protections that ensure an open and equal Internet
Canadian Internet users and businesses will feel the impact of this vote on their pocketbooks, with a loss of innovation and potential harm to policies here at home

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai announces proposal to dismantle U.S. Net Neutrality protections in a move that will have ramifications for Canada’s Internet
If passed, the order will threaten Canada’s current robust Net Neutrality north of the border and have serious implications on Canadian Internet users.

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai announces proposal to dismantle Net Neutrality protections
If passed, the order will make the Internet more expensive and give already powerful telecom companies even more control over citizens’ online experience.

European Parliament’s civil liberties committee strikes blow to dangerous proposals for content censorship
Recommendations for a censorship machine were removed, but remaining loopholes are open to abuse by private companies

9 in 10 Canadians still not at basic Internet speeds called for by CRTC, even as data usage jumps by 25%
Annual CRTC study demonstrates clear need for national broadband strategy, as Canadians face increasingly less affordable prices for home and mobile Internet.

CRTC must remain responsive to the needs of Canadian consumers as new chairperson is appointed
The appointment of a new chairperson with industry ties will be a test as to whether the regulator can remain committed to the goal of Internet as a basic service

Could Canadians finally get relief from high wireless prices?
Exorbitant wireless prices have been the norm for Canadians for too long, but an encouraging shift in policy could be about to change that.

Copyright for Creativity Members to MEPs: Put Copyright Back on Track!
In a joint letter with the members of the Copyright for Creativity coalition, we've urged MEPs to oppose the most problematic aspects of the EU's copyright proposal, like the censorship machine and link tax, to help European citizens and businesses prosper in the digital era.

We did it – We put your Internet installation horror stories on the public record!
Yesterday we filed our submission to the CRTC regarding the review of the competitor quality of service regime to ensure indie ISPs stand a fair chance, which means better and more affordable Internet for all. Thank you for speaking out!

FCC Chair Ajit Pai Confirms Internet Users’ Worst Fears As He Announces Plans to Undo Net Neutrality
Get ready Internet advocates – one of the most important battles in the history of the Internet is upon us.

Win for citizens as CRTC framework will help prevent telecoms from engaging in differential pricing practices
Today’s ruling strengthens Net Neutrality protections by discouraging telecom providers from zero-rating certain apps and services and not others

Budget 2017 promises review of Canadian Internet policies, but disappoints in lack of investment for infrastructure
Limited funding to support Internet connectivity for low-income families is welcome, but budget will disappoint those hoping for the government to deliver on CRTC’s call for a National Broadband Strategy

Disappointing CRTC ruling threatens to lock Canadians into a future of high wireless prices
Today’s decision effectively makes it impossible for Sugar Mobile and other new entrants to compete in a market that continues to be dominated by Bell, Rogers, and Telus.

Bell’s takeover of MTS will harm middle class consumers and businesses who rely on affordable telecom services
Merger will result in higher telecom costs in one of the few provinces with affordable rates, reinforcing calls to encourage competition by structurally separating the networks.

FCC raises concerns about zero rated programs
Looks like AT&T is playing foul again when it comes to net neutrality.

With Your Help, OpenMedia Lays Out the Case against Internet Taxes for Canadian Heritage’s #DigiCanCon Consultations
OpenMedia submitted formal comments to Canadian Heritage's #DigiCanCon consultations, driving home the case against the Internet Tax. Here's what we told them.
OpenMedia’s presentation at the CRTC hearings on differential pricing (a.k.a. zero-rating)
With support from 55,000 Canadians, OpenMedia testified at crucial CRTC hearings on November 3, 2016, and called on them to End Data Caps. Here's what our team had to say.

Stop the federal government before it taxes everything on the Internet
"Knee-jerk policy proposals that tax everything digital to subsidize struggling industries are not the way forward."

What the heck is zero-rating and how does it undermine Net Neutrality?
The rise of a controversial practice called ‘zero-rating’ has Internet freedom advocates worried about the future of the open Web and innovation. Find out why.

We need YOU to join us in Gatineau for a crucial CRTC hearing on the future of the Internet
This is our chance to change the state of Canadian broadband Internet, and we are asking our community to join our Campaigns Director, Josh Tabish, at the CRTC hearing this April 28th. Who’s in?

Ottawa vote reminds us Big Telecom’s cartel is long past its expiration date
Our team is disappointed that Ottawa City Council did not pass Councillor Leiper’s Internet affordability motion today. But the fight goes on and we are not giving up, neither should you!

Government should step in after disappointing CRTC ruling closes door to new affordable wireless alternatives
Today’s CRTC ruling means Big Telecom can continue to block more affordable Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs) from setting up in Canada.

Bell’s CRTC Appeal Will Raise Internet Prices, Reduce Investment
In December Toronto Mayor John Tory came out AGAINST greater choice for access to Internet service. This week – in contrast – Toronto City Council is considering a motion that would support open, affordable high-speed fibre Internet access across the city –and your OpenMedia team is supporting it.

Toronto needs to support faster, cheaper Internet for its residents
The City of Toronto is currently debating whether it will support competitive, affordable Internet, or let Bell price-gouge its residents.
OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet. Take action now
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