Tag: government

Spring 2023 Donor Report Back
From C-11 to Rogers-Shaw, your support has made real change possible.

Your voice, DELIVERED: 103,000+ petition signers urge Senate to fix Bill C-11!
Canada’s Senate just introduced a key amendment that nips many of Bill C-11’s problems in the bud — but brought a HUGE new threat to our privacy along with it.

Guest Blog: What Taylor Swift’s Ticketmaster debacle tells us about concentration on the internet
Monopolies on the mind? Check out this piece from our friends at CIRA: “Now it’s Ticketmaster and Taylor Swift tickets. Next, it could be the infrastructure of a Big Tech company.”

Donor Report Back Fall 2022
These have been a busy past few months: Here’s a look at what we’ve accomplished together thanks to YOUR support.

DEBUNKED! Did Minister Champagne actually stop the Rogers-Shaw buyout?
Or did he approve it? The truth is: Champagne rubber stamped the affordability-crushing deal. Here’s how he pulled off the sleight of hand.

Minister Champagne’s 3 Simple Steps to Collapsing Internet Competition in Canada
Our “Minister of Collapse” must undo this affordability disaster of his own making.

Donor Report Summer 2022
2022 has been a busy year so far: Here's a quick look at what we've achieved with your support!

Your voice, DELIVERED: OpenMedia’s latest petition to stop Rogers from buying Shaw is in!
To date, the OpenMedia community has called on the government a whopping 34,700+ times to block Rogers-Shaw. Talk about a deafening response!

Thousands of OpenMedia community members just stood up to defend Canada’s Internet from website blocking!
The May 27 Day of Action saw over 2500 comments sent to the government in a single day, for a total of 14,000 by the consultation deadline.

Stingrays spying in Ottawa! Have you cc’d Goodale yet?
Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale’s response to Ottawa’s Stingray scandal has been woefully inadequate for Canadian privacy. We need a stronger plan to #StopStingrays — and this is where you come in, OpenMedia community.

Keeping Truth Alive In A World Of Anonymous Wikipedia Edits
Writing in the Huffington Post, our own Meghan Sali looks into the implications of allowing everyone to make real-time edits to Wikipedia, including government officials

Rogers releases third annual transparency report
Encouraging to see Rogers shed a light on the company’s disclosure of subscriber information to law enforcement and challenge ‘tower dumps’ in court. We hope to see other big telecoms take on similar transparency initiatives.
OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet. Take action now
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