The Latest
Stay up to date with the latest on free expression, affordable access and a surveillance-free Internet.

Canada must regulate AI right, not first
OpenMedia's testimony to Canada's Parliament on how to regulate our privacy and artificial intelligence effectively.

What we heard from YOU on child online safety
Results show parents' concerns about their children's exposure to harmful content and lack of knowledge on online safety practices.

Call for Applications: Treasurer, OpenMedia Board of Directors
OpenMedia is seeking a new board member to join us as our Treasurer. Help keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free!
Government must release submissions to harmful content online consultation
Civil society groups and academics demand public response from federal government to submissions to harmful content consultation

OpenMedia’s response to the Federal Government’s ‘harmful content’ consultation
Our submission to the department of Canadian Heritage explains what they have wrong in dealing with ‘online harms’, and how to fix it.

BC just released their report on the cell phone affordability consultations. What’s next?
The BC government has released a report on cell phone contract that will shock no one.

Big Telecom asks Trudeau to reject affordable Internet
Incumbents’ tantrum over fair wholesale rates continues with petition to Governor in Council

Your Internet stories are up in Ottawa!
You shared your Internet stories with us. We plastered them in ads. Our decision makers won't be able to ignore these.

Where do the parties stand on Internet and Privacy issues?
With the election just days away, voters are getting ready to vote. But, where do the parties stand on Internet and privacy issues?

Need a break from the election? Here are some happy memories
The past year has been a rollercoaster on the digital rights front. But together, the OpenMedia community has achieved a lot. Here’s an overview of our wins and what’s on the horizon.
OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet. Take action now
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