Press Releases
List of our press releases, in reverse chronological order.
James Moore spectrum announcement hailed as a positive step forward to enable greater wireless choice and lower prices
In response to outcry for Canadians, Industry Canada has taken steps to ensure Canadians have greater access to affordable, independent wireless providers
Advocates celebrate new powers by oversight bodies to impose financial penalties on telecom companies that break the rules
Following years-long campaign, CRTC is now empowered to levy financial penalties against telecom providers who mistreat customers
As high-level TPP talks continue in Washington D.C., OpenMedia holds face-to-face meetings with key negotiators to demand end to secrecy
Thursday December 11, 2014 – As Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) talks continue in Washington, D.C., negotiators are set to feel the heat from public interest groups outraged at the secrecy surrounding the talks. The organizations say it’s past time for TPP negotiators to follow the example of the European Commission which recently released to the public the draft text of a similar Trans-Atlantic deal.
President Obama’s call for strong rules against Internet slow lanes a positive sign for Internet users around the world
November 10, 2014 – This morning U.S. President Barack Obama released a decisive statement urging the FCC to use the strongest measures possible to ensure strong net neutrality rules keep the Internet an open playing field, stating “no service should be stuck in a ‘slow lane’ because it does not pay a fee.”
International digital rights organization OpenMedia welcomes this strong statement from the President, as recent rumors reported in the Wall Street Journal suggested that the FCC was still considering rules allowing slow lanes online. In his statement, President Obama directly refers to Title II reclassification, a strong and enforceable approach that Internet freedom advocates - including OpenMedia - have been fighting to implement for the past year, saying: “I'm asking the FCC to classify Internet services under Title II of the law known as the Telecommunications Act.”
First decision to come out of CRTC’s Let’s Talk TV consultation is a win for Canadians
READ PRESS RELEASEFight against Online Spying Bill C-13 will continue, as government prepares to ram unpopular legislation through House of Commons today
Controversial bill is opposed by huge majority of Canadians, with even the government’s own supporters opposing it by over 2.5:1
Leaked draft confirms TPP will censor Internet and stifle Free Expression worldwide
READ PRESS RELEASEEvery Canadian should benefit from sensible copyright rules, not just political parties
READ PRESS RELEASEDiverse groups put out hard-hitting video exposing how government spy agency has the power to monitor the everyday lives of innocent Canadians
Viral video released amid growing outrage at how government spy agencies like Canada’s CSEC and the U.S. NSA are collecting hugely revealing information on innocent citizens