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Press Release

BCCLA and OpenMedia React: Bill S-210 leaving committee stage without adequate study

Moved forward with no witnesses or amendments, Bill-S210 is not fit for service
Press Release

Open letter calls on federal parties to accept BC privacy ruling, amend federal law

Nearly 40 experts urge federal parties to end their privacy law impunity
Image for Squeezing blood from a stone: why the CRTC fails Canadians

Squeezing blood from a stone: why the CRTC fails Canadians

The CRTC is fixated on a telecom competition strategy that cannot work.
Press Release

Joint letter urges Justice Minister to split Bill C-63

Separating controversial human rights impacting provisions is critical
Image for Sign on for fast, affordable internet!

Sign on for fast, affordable internet!

Monopolies are holding your access to lightning-fast fibre Internet HOSTAGE. NO independent provider can break through, NO matter the price.
Press Release

Key stakeholders call for withdrawal of controversial AI legislation

Parliament can’t fix the Minister’s rushed, confused and flawed Bill; full public consultation needed now..
Image for Federal Political Parties: Flunking the Privacy Law Test

Federal Political Parties: Flunking the Privacy Law Test

Laws are sort of like a high school exam. There are rules, expectations, and results. Did you meet the goals? Did you do something wrong? Did you try to get one past the teacher and sneak in some notes?
Image for Sign the petition: Make our privacy laws work for YOU!

Sign the petition: Make our privacy laws work for YOU!

When it comes to privacy, Canada’s government doesn’t want to play by the rules. They’re passing private sector privacy reform Bill C-27, but totally ignoring urgently needed reforms to the Privacy Act – the rules that govern how THEY respect our privacy!
Image for  How OpenMedia fought for  net neutrality!

How OpenMedia fought for net neutrality!

It was a sad day for the Internet when Ajit Pai’s FCC repealed #NetNeutrality back in 2017. But the Internet and the OpenMedia community fought back. Here’s the story how we did it.
Image for Explaining Bill C-63, The Online Harms Act: An OpenMedia FAQ

Explaining Bill C-63, The Online Harms Act: An OpenMedia FAQ

The good, the bad, and what must be fixed in Bill C-63.

OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet. Take action now

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