Tag: open internet

Image for Together We Accomplished a Lot: 2018 Year in Review

Together We Accomplished a Lot: 2018 Year in Review

As the new year begins we look back at everything we’ve accomplished together in 2018 for online access, privacy and free expression. None of this would have been possible without our amazing community — THANK YOU!

Net Neutrality is under attack in Canada — here’s how we save it

The CRTC Chair has recently expressed a lack of commitment to robust Net Neutrality protections in Canada, which raises serious concerns. Here's how we fight back:
Image for Your Net Neutrality Billboards in Action

Your Net Neutrality Billboards in Action

Thanks to your generous support, the OpenMedia community put up two giant billboards In Utah and Colorado to ensure your representatives hear your message to restore Net Neutrality.
Image for Huge win for open Internet as U.S. Senate votes to restore Net Neutrality protections

Huge win for open Internet as U.S. Senate votes to restore Net Neutrality protections

Next step is for the House of Representatives to vote to reject the Federal Communications Commission’s assault on the open Internet — so we must keep up the pressure!

Standing Together to Build a Brighter Digital Future

There are powerful forces standing in the way of the world we want to build, but with you by our side, we keep moving forward.  
Image for So Long and Thanks for All the Comments

So Long and Thanks for All the Comments

It’s goodbye, but it’s not the end. Thank you for everything, and let’s keep working to build a more just world, online and off.
Image for New Year, New Fight: 2017 in review and the battle ahead for digital rights

New Year, New Fight: 2017 in review and the battle ahead for digital rights

From Net Neutrality to proposed mandatory content filtering in the EU, 2017 was a big year for Internet advocates. What's next in 2018? 
Image for You made these Net Neutrality billboards possible!

You made these Net Neutrality billboards possible!

Big shout out to all of you who chipped in to help us put massive Net Neutrality billboards in the U.S.! Stay tuned for the next steps in the fight, because it’s far from over.

U.S. Federal Communications Commission votes to repeal Net Neutrality protections that ensure an open and equal Internet

Canadian Internet users and businesses will feel the impact of this vote on their pocketbooks, with a loss of innovation and potential harm to policies here at home
Image for FCC Chairman Ajit Pai announces proposal to dismantle U.S. Net Neutrality protections in a move that will have ramifications for Canada’s Internet

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai announces proposal to dismantle U.S. Net Neutrality protections in a move that will have ramifications for Canada’s Internet

If passed, the order will threaten Canada’s current robust Net Neutrality north of the border and have serious implications on Canadian Internet users.
Image for FCC Chairman Ajit Pai announces proposal to dismantle Net Neutrality protections

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai announces proposal to dismantle Net Neutrality protections

If passed, the order will make the Internet more expensive and give already powerful telecom companies even more control over citizens’ online experience.
Image for Under The Hood: Learn about OpenMedia’s Networked Campaign Style

Under The Hood: Learn about OpenMedia’s Networked Campaign Style

In this edition of the Under The Hood series learn about OpenMedia’s unique approach to building collaborative networks to support our campaigns.
Image for Internet breaks records with massive Day of Action for Net Neutrality

Internet breaks records with massive Day of Action for Net Neutrality

On Wednesday, July 12, the Internet came together to stand up for an open web 
Image for Why intellectual freedom relies on a free and open internet

Why intellectual freedom relies on a free and open internet

Our Executive Director, Laura Tribe, explains the symbiosis between intellectual freedom and the open Internet.
Image for It’s here! Our TPP Citizens’ Report explores how we can rebuild public trust in trade processes

It’s here! Our TPP Citizens’ Report explores how we can rebuild public trust in trade processes

Our Let’s Talk TPP Citizens’ Report is finally here! Check out the full report and use our tool to send it to your MP.
Image for With Your Help, OpenMedia Lays Out the Case against Internet Taxes for Canadian Heritage’s #DigiCanCon Consultations

With Your Help, OpenMedia Lays Out the Case against Internet Taxes for Canadian Heritage’s #DigiCanCon Consultations

OpenMedia submitted formal comments to Canadian Heritage's #DigiCanCon consultations, driving home the case against the Internet Tax. Here's what we told them.
Image for Watch here: livestream of Medi@cracy’s #DigiCanCon conversation

Watch here: livestream of Medi@cracy’s #DigiCanCon conversation

New Canadian community television program Medi@cracy kicks off with its pilot episode tackling Heritage Minister Melanie Joly’s #DigiCanCon consultations
Image for As EU publishes strong Net Neutrality rules, Canada cannot afford to fall behind

As EU publishes strong Net Neutrality rules, Canada cannot afford to fall behind

Canada’s CRTC will soon hold hearings on how best to protect the open Internet: today’s new EU regulations set a positive example.
Image for An interview with Ben Klass: a telecom policy love story, and beating Bell at the CRTC

An interview with Ben Klass: a telecom policy love story, and beating Bell at the CRTC

I sat down with Ben Klass, a student, researcher and citizen-leader in telecom policy reform in Canada. We spoke about why he cares about the open Web, how he came to be involved with OpenMedia and his journey in the Bell Mobile TV CRTC complaint. This is the edited version of our interview below.
Image for Internet users want Net Neutrality!

Internet users want Net Neutrality!

Over half a million people, including OpenMedia supporters, across multiple coalitions and countries, took part in a campaign to tell the EU telecom regulator to stand up for net neutrality.
Image for Under the hood: OpenMedia’s Vision for an Open Internet and Open world

Under the hood: OpenMedia’s Vision for an Open Internet and Open world

Get a glimpse under the hood at OpenMedia in our new blog series.
Image for U.S. Net Neutrality ruling sends a clear message to the CRTC

U.S. Net Neutrality ruling sends a clear message to the CRTC

June’s ‘open Internet’ win in the United States may be a sign of what’s to come for the CRTC’s Net Neutrality review.
Image for Crowdsource This

Crowdsource This

Crowdsourcing is an integral part of our organization as we believe that strong participatory processes can pave the way for a better future, in which the values of the majority are reflected in major decision making and outcomes. So here's a window into our core principles!
Image for Will the open Internet survive the EU’s ambiguous Net Neutrality legislation?

Will the open Internet survive the EU’s ambiguous Net Neutrality legislation?

Last year the EU Parliament passed Net Neutrality legislation that was largely an ambiguous mixed bag. The coming weeks will determine which way it goes.

OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet. Take action now

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