Tag: mobile

DEBUNKED! Did Minister Champagne actually stop the Rogers-Shaw buyout?
Or did he approve it? The truth is: Champagne rubber stamped the affordability-crushing deal. Here’s how he pulled off the sleight of hand.

2021 report shows Canada’s cell phone prices STILL among most expensive globally
Rewheel’s 2021 report yet again confirmed the ugly truth: People in Canada continue to pay some of the highest prices in the world for our wireless services.

Canadians’ mobile data usage slow to increase, while Big Telecom’s revenues continue to grow
CRTC’s annual report shows that data usage serves the greatest revenue growth for Bell, Telus and Rogers

CRTC failed Canadians, again. Over to you, Minister Bains
Last week the CRTC shut the door on an opportunity to bring Canadians more mobile choices and lower prices. So we are looking to Minister Navdeep Bains to step in and help affect change.

9 in 10 Canadians still not at basic Internet speeds called for by CRTC, even as data usage jumps by 25%
Annual CRTC study demonstrates clear need for national broadband strategy, as Canadians face increasingly less affordable prices for home and mobile Internet.

CRTC goes full-Internet with #EndDataCaps Reddit consultation
Make their #2016 effort pay off (so they do it again) — weigh in on the online forum now, all while speaking out against differential pricing.

Over 42,000 Canadian voices against data caps are now on the public record at the CRTC
With support from over 42,000 Canadians, we’ve just delivered a 50-page submission against data caps to the CRTC

Tired of data caps? You have 24 hours to say so on the public record
The CRTC is asking Canadians how we think the Internet should be priced. Join us on the public record in telling them

We’re on record — here’s how we’re going to end data caps
OpenMedia, and some amazing partners, have submitted our first papers on how the Internet should be priced in Canada.

Can a successful regional mobile provider go national? Not in Canada.
At least, not if telecom giants Rogers and Bell get their way.

Why is Rogers trying to kill a brand new $19 per month cell provider?
They’re at it again: telecom giants Rogers and Bell are trying to crush an innovative, affordable mobile provider. We’re taking this to the CRTC, and we need you to stand with us.
Big Telecom are raising wireless prices, again
What's wireless worth in Canada? Our own Josh Tabish was at CBC's The Exchange yesterday explaining why we can't compare the value of a mobile phone to that of a cup of coffee, like Rogers CEO suggests.

We’re challenging a crucial CRTC decision on behalf of Canadians
Last night, OpenMedia filed detailed and significant comments in support of a crucial challenge that will determine whether Canadians get access to new, independent wireless providers like Ting. If the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) listens to Canadians, bad parts of a recent ruling will be overturned and a new level playing field will allow a wide range of new mobile providers to set up shop and sell services to Canadians.
Back in May, the CRTC took a significant step towards ensuring Canadians have access to more affordable options in our mobile phone and Internet market.

New report: Canada falling further behind global counterparts on Internet access
This week, experts at the Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA) – the body that oversees Canada’s .ca domain – released their 2014 Factbook, which chronicles Canada’s advancement on Internet issues over the past year. The Factbook investigates how well-positioned Canadians are in the areas of access, cost, and usage.
The report shows Canada continues to slip further behind our global counterparts. For example, Canada has crashed from 2nd place in 2001 on broadband penetration amongst industrialized nations to 16th place in 2014.
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