Tag: accountability

REPORTBACK: We asked YOU about the future of AI
Survey uncovers public sentiment on AI: Hope, Worry, and the Urgent Call for Safeguards

Spring 2023 Donor Report Back
From C-11 to Rogers-Shaw, your support has made real change possible.

Guest Blog: What Taylor Swift’s Ticketmaster debacle tells us about concentration on the internet
Monopolies on the mind? Check out this piece from our friends at CIRA: “Now it’s Ticketmaster and Taylor Swift tickets. Next, it could be the infrastructure of a Big Tech company.”

Donor Report Back Fall 2022
These have been a busy past few months: Here’s a look at what we’ve accomplished together thanks to YOUR support.

Donor Report Summer 2022
2022 has been a busy year so far: Here's a quick look at what we've achieved with your support!

Our Location Data: Three Essential Questions for the Ethics Committee
Parliament’s ethics committee is investigating the use of our location data by the federal government. Here are our top three questions we need answers to, and why.

Donor Report Fall 2021
2021 Donor Report covering 5 success stories from the past few months.

Civil society groups are calling on Canadian government to release NAFTA public consultation results
11 organizations urge the federal government to release over 45,000 NAFTA public consultation submissions and fulfil its promises of transparency.

Your voices helped shape the new TPP
Yesterday Canada joined 10 other countries in reaching a deal on a reworked version of the TPP, suspending some Intellectual Property and ISDS (Investor State Dispute Settlement) provisions that would have had detrimental impacts on the open Internet. The work doesn't end here, but this win for the Internet community would have not been possible if it wasn't for you — so thank you for speaking out!

Over 11,000 Canadians have spoken: NO to pursuing TPP negotiations
Once again, Canadians have come together in the thousands to send a clear message to the federal government: The TPP is a bad deal for our country, regardless of U.S. involvement. Thanks for speaking out!

Privacy Commissioner’s report calls on the RCMP to increase transparency around the use of cellphone surveillance tools
A complaint launched by OpenMedia into the use of IMSI-catchers (a.k.a Stingrays) reveals that six warrantless deployments of the device violated the Charter

All Out Against the TPP: Vancouver Edition
The TPP in its original form may be dead, but some of its poisonous components remain – and big media lobbyists will continue to push for them. Join us for a mobilization against secret and undemocratic agreements!

Rogers releases third annual transparency report
Encouraging to see Rogers shed a light on the company’s disclosure of subscriber information to law enforcement and challenge ‘tower dumps’ in court. We hope to see other big telecoms take on similar transparency initiatives.

OpenMedia demands answers from VPD on potential Stingray cell phone surveillance
BC Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner could set important precedent for transparency, with its decision on this case.

Adopting the UK model won’t be enough for Ralph Goodale to address Canada’s spy oversight woes
Minister Goodale’s plan to adopt the UK’s model of spy agency oversight leaves a lot of key questions unanswered.
OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet. Take action now
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