Press Releases

List of our press releases, in reverse chronological order.

Achievable roadmap to ensure affordable Internet for all Canadians presented to CRTC on final day of crucial hearings

April 28th, 2016
Feedback from over 40,000 people delivered to CRTC, calling for action to ensure 100% of Canadians have affordable, high-speed Internet access

International Coalition Calls for Trade Agreement Reform to Protect Global Digital Rights

February 22nd, 2016
Secretive and Closed Treaty Negotiations Leave Out Important Voices in Trade Debates

Canada is making a costly mistake by signing on to TPP without any room for negotiation

January 25th, 2016
TPP’s intellectual property provisions threaten Internet freedoms and will cost Canadian economy billions, experts warn

Over 50,000 Canadians call on Cabinet to reject Bell Canada’s appeal to gut landmark CRTC decision

December 22nd, 2015
OpenMedia and Internet users build definitive case, debunking myths and skewering Bell’s attempts to mislead Canadian policymakers

Elizabeth May becomes first party leader to endorse OpenMedia’s pro-Internet Action Plan

September 15th, 2015
Digital rights group is calling on all political parties and candidates to endorse pro-Internet plan crowdsourced from over 250,000 Canadians

European Parliament to hold final vote on positive new copyright rules - but last-minute amendment could lead to costly new EU-wide ‘Link Tax’

July 6th, 2015
On Thursday, the European Parliament will hold its final vote on a key report on the Harmonization of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the Information Society. The report recognises that copyright reform is needed to improve the Digital Single Market and to facilitate access to knowledge and culture for all Europeans. Its recommendations have been broadly welcomed by pro-Internet organizations across the European Union and the world, although they were watered down since the report’s original drafting in order to gain consensus. A last-minute amendment tabled by German MEP Angelika Niebler could pave the way for an introduction of an EU-wide ancillary copyright law - more commonly known as a ‘Link Tax’ - that would have devastating consequences on people’s right to express themselves freely online, and universal access to knowledge. This proposal had already been rejected by the Legal Affairs Committee where the report originated.

Canadian cell phone users won’t be satisfied with Rogers/Mobilicity deal

June 24th, 2015
Rogers $440 million takeover of Mobilicity will mean fewer choices for Canadian cell phone subscribers when wireless prices are already increasing at 3 times the rate of inflation

Mobilicity employees’ MVNO proposal deserves serious consideration, although wireless prices will rise even further unless indie spectrum is kept out of Big Telecom’s hands

June 22nd, 2015
Reports over weekend suggest government is poised to allow Rogers and Telus to acquire Mobilicity’s valuable wireless spectrum, despite promises it would be set aside for affordable, independent providers
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