Press Releases

List of our press releases, in reverse chronological order.

President Obama’s call for strong rules against Internet slow lanes a positive sign for Internet users around the world

November 10th, 2014
November 10, 2014 – This morning U.S. President Barack Obama released a decisive statement urging the FCC to use the strongest measures possible to ensure strong net neutrality rules keep the Internet an open playing field, stating “no service should be stuck in a ‘slow lane’ because it does not pay a fee.” International digital rights organization OpenMedia welcomes this strong statement from the President, as recent rumors reported in the Wall Street Journal suggested that the FCC was still considering rules allowing slow lanes online. In his statement, President Obama directly refers to Title II reclassification, a strong and enforceable approach that Internet freedom advocates - including OpenMedia - have been fighting to implement for the past year, saying: “I'm asking the FCC to classify Internet services under Title II of the law known as the Telecommunications Act.”

Fight against Online Spying Bill C-13 will continue, as government prepares to ram unpopular legislation through House of Commons today

October 20th, 2014
Controversial bill is opposed by huge majority of Canadians, with even the government’s own supporters opposing it by over 2.5:1

Canadians weigh in on CRTC’s Let’s Talk TV hearing through report released today: “The future of TV is the Internet”

September 19th, 2014
Community-based release a crowdsourced report based on input from Canadians about priorities for the future of digital services in Canada.

Fresh revelations that CSEC retained private communications of Canadians underline need for much stronger transparency, oversight, and accountability, says

August 20th, 2014
Report will do little to assure law-abiding Canadians who simply want to communicate online without being spied on by their own government

Breaking - New Liberal Bill takes meaningful steps to rein in spy agency CSEC and improve oversight and judicial control

June 18th, 2014
Privacy campaigners consider Liberal proposals to boost oversight, judicial control, and transparency over Canadian spy agency CSEC a welcome first step toward reining in the eavesdropping agency
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