Press Releases

List of our press releases, in reverse chronological order.

Groundbreaking new book by leading privacy experts launched as government comes under increasing pressure on online spying

May 7th, 2014
Transparent Lives: Surveillance in Canada reveals how Canadians are increasingly leading their lives under pervasive government surveillance and shows how out-of-control government spying can be curbed

Huge international campaign beams 3.1 million signature petition count on prominent buildings in Washington, D.C.

May 1st, 2014
Massive numbers of people are speaking out against fast track legislation and Trans-Pacific Partnership secrecy as Senate Finance Committee prepares for crucial TPP hearing following President Obama’s return to Washington As U.S. President Obama returned from a week of crucial Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) talks, a large, broad-based international campaign took its message to the heart of Washington, D.C. Last night, a projection of a 3.1 million signature petition count was beamed on to prominent buildings in Washington D.C., to speak out against TPP secrecy and fast track legislation. (High-resolution photos of the projection are available at

Huge international campaign beams 3.1 million signature petition count on prominent buildings in Washington, D.C.

May 1st, 2014
Massive numbers of people are speaking out against fast track legislation and Trans-Pacific Partnership secrecy as Senate Finance Committee prepares for crucial TPP hearing following President Obama’s return to Washington

As Obama tries to lock down Trans-Pacific Partnership, huge first-of-its-kind international campaign shines a light on TPP’s secretive Internet censorship plan

April 22nd, 2014
reddit, Avaaz, OpenMedia and other groups join together to shine “Stop the Secrecy” spotlight on prominent buildings in Washington D.C. to protest TPP’s Internet Censorship and secrecy April 22, 2014 – As U.S. President Obama prepares for a week of crucial Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) talks, a large, broad-based international campaign is taking its message to the heart of Washington, D.C. Starting tonight, a ‘Stop the Secrecy’ projection will be beamed on to prominent buildings urging an end to the excessive secrecy around the TPP. The projection will get bigger and more powerful as more people sign on to the campaign at

As Obama tries to lock down Trans-Pacific Partnership, Canadian Internet freedom group takes message directly to U.S. Capitol

April 21st, 2014
Canada’s OpenMedia leads huge international campaign shining “Stop the Secrecy” spotlight on prominent buildings in Washington D.C. to protest TPP’s secretive Internet Censorship plan

900 Social Insurance Numbers stolen due to Heartbleed,  breaches of private citizen data affecting over 725,000 of us; available to comment

April 14th, 2014
Canadians deserve answers from the government about what it’s doing to keep our private data secure, says community-based group working to protect the privacy of all Canadians

Digital Privacy Act does almost nothing to tackle central privacy concern for Canadians: reckless and expensive government surveillance

April 8th, 2014
Incoherent for government to advance protections on commercial privacy, while at same time advancing Bill C-13 which would throw door open to widespread government surveillance of law-abiding Canadians
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