Tag: article 11

European Parliament approves unpopular Link Tax and mandatory content filtering in its final vote on the Copyright Directive
Despite massive public outcry and opposition from dozens of experts and academics the European Parliament failed to even allow a vote on amendments
European Copyright Directive passes, setting dangerous precedent for the open Internet
Despite massive public opposition, the European Parliament has rubber-stamped a Link Tax and Censorship Machines

Save the Link: The Story So Far
Yesterday, the EU Parliament voted in favour of a Link Tax and Censorship Machines in a catastrophic move for the open Internet. But how did we get here, and what happens now? Here’s the quick and dirty story of Save The Link.

Article 11 reaches tipping point as hundreds of academics and organisations say NO to the link tax this week.
The clamour against Article 11’s link tax proposal has been overwhelming, with a huge growth in organisations from a broad range of fields and expertise adding their name to the opposition.

Open Letter: 50+ organisations call on Axel Voss MEP to delete Article 11.
European public institutions, companies, start-ups, journalists and libraries, news publishers and civil society organisations are united against proposals for a neighbouring right for press publishers.

BREAKING: MEP Pascal Arimont’s all out attack on the right to link
The worst version of the EU copyright plan just got proposed. One MEP is rallying others to a plan for 50 years ownership of links and expansive censorship machines.
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