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The government wants to talk about broadband Internet

The CRTC is asking Canadians to answer a short survey on their personal use of telecommunications services at home as part of Let’s #TalkBroadband Internet.

Do you have access to the telecommunications services you need? Or are you sick of paying some of the highest prices in the industrialized world for what’s widely recognized as subpar service? Well, right now you have a great opportunity to have your say, either way!

As you may recall, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) is currently reviewing Canada’s basic telecommunications services in order to be in step with the future and changing needs of Canadians.

Your OpenMedia team has been actively participating throughout this consultation on your behalf. ICYMI: We’re arguing for faster, cheaper Internet for 100% of Canadians that’s on par with our international counterparts – and we’ll have a full-blown overview of everything we’ve done so far after we get through a crucial filing deadline on February 1.

But, in the meantime, the CRTC wants to hear directly from you, as we approach the final days of the proceeding. Please, take a moment to fill out their survey on broadband usage at, or click the banner below, and let decision-makers know where you stand on this urgent, pressing issue.

This balanced survey from the CRTC shows that the government is really delivering on its promise to put Canadians at the centre of our communications system – a refreshing change from the Big Telecom dominated consultations of the past that, typically, placed the interests of a few powerful companies ahead of everyday Canadians.

And the human costs of unequal access couldn’t be higher. Take a look at this comment from OpenMedia community member Lou:

I live on a senior's pension, which is becoming more inadequate to live on because of the rising cost of rent, food, gas, etc. In fact I am going to be giving up the internet at the end of January because it too has kept going up in cost. In fact I have seen the cost of high speed internet double in the past 5 or 6 years. Because of the high cost of internet and phone I am having to choose between having the internet or going without so much food each month, and I need food more than I need the internet.

Sadly, we hear from many community members like Lou, who find the spiralling costs of Internet access to be unbearable. That’s why it’s so important to speak up and make your voice heard to the CRTC today at:

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