Tag: blais

CRTC must remain responsive to the needs of Canadian consumers as new chairperson is appointed
The appointment of a new chairperson with industry ties will be a test as to whether the regulator can remain committed to the goal of Internet as a basic service

CRTC Must Ensure Fair Rates For All Internet Providers
"As TekSavvy customers settle in to lowered bills and Bell customers prepare for their increase on February 1, a new battle for affordable Internet access is happening right under our noses: the price of next generation, ultra-high speed fibre Internet."

Speaking up for affordable Internet for all Canadians
We delivered feedback from over 40,000 people to the CRTC, calling for action to ensure 100% of Canadians have affordable, high-speed Internet access
The state of broadband Internet in Bowen Island
The Municipality of Bowen Island invited OpenMedia to talk about what their options are to get faster, cheaper Internet. This short documentary will be part of the record of the CRTC Review of Basic Telecommunication Services hearing.

Internet as a basic service for all Canadians?
We're less than 48 hours away from a critical CRTC hearing that will shape the future of the Internet in Canada and we need everyone on board to ensure we all get access to the affordable, world-class broadband we deserve. Here's what you can do.

We need YOU to join us in Gatineau for a crucial CRTC hearing on the future of the Internet
This is our chance to change the state of Canadian broadband Internet, and we are asking our community to join our Campaigns Director, Josh Tabish, at the CRTC hearing this April 28th. Who’s in?

Unexpected speech from CRTC Chair may signal a change in mood during #TalkBroadband hearing
CRTC Chairman calls for national broadband strategy. Is this too good to be true?

The CRTC now knows 45,000 Canadians stand with innovative new wireless providers
But, will they let Rogers kill a brand new cell phone provider?

Can a successful regional mobile provider go national? Not in Canada.
At least, not if telecom giants Rogers and Bell get their way.

Why is Rogers trying to kill a brand new $19 per month cell provider?
They’re at it again: telecom giants Rogers and Bell are trying to crush an innovative, affordable mobile provider. We’re taking this to the CRTC, and we need you to stand with us.

Ottawa residents: Tell City Council to support a motion for affordable Internet ASAP
If you’re a resident of Ottawa, tell your Councillor you want faster, more affordable Internet before the February 24 deadline!

The government wants to talk about broadband Internet
The CRTC is asking Canadians to answer a short survey on their personal use of telecommunications services at home as part of Let’s #TalkBroadband Internet.
OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet. Take action now
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