The Latest from Josh Tabish
Today is my last day at OpenMedia
Since 2013, I have had the privilege of representing OpenMedia’s community on digital issues that matter to them. But now I’m starting a new chapter.
Win for citizens as CRTC framework will help prevent telecoms from engaging in differential pricing practices
Today’s ruling strengthens Net Neutrality protections by discouraging telecom providers from zero-rating certain apps and services and not others
Privacy Commissioner calls on government to ensure protection of Canadians’ data in U.S.
The federal Privacy Commissioner asks Cabinet to ensure privacy rights of Canadians are respected.
#DigiCanCon consultation results show Canadians need affordable Internet access to support Canadian content in the 21st century
Results from the government's consultation on Canadian content demonstrate strong public opposition to proposals that would make Internet access more expensive
Poll: Vast majority of Canadians oppose Internet Tax, prefer funding CanCon by extending GST/HST to foreign online companies
Innovative Research Group poll finds 70% of Canadians are opposed to an Internet Tax to fund Canadian Content, including 63% of Liberal Party supporters.
Minister Morneau: Let’s talk about this #InternetTax
OpenMedia is asking Finance Minister Bill Morneau for a meeting to discuss proposals for a tax on Internet providers in Canada.
CRTC Must Ensure Fair Rates For All Internet Providers
"As TekSavvy customers settle in to lowered bills and Bell customers prepare for their increase on February 1, a new battle for affordable Internet access is happening right under our noses: the price of next generation, ultra-high speed fibre Internet."
It’s Time for Canadian Data Plans to Catch Up to Our Changing Viewing Habits
"Dollars for data, Canadians are paying more for gigabyte than just about anywhere else in the world."
Stop the federal government before it taxes everything on the Internet
"Knee-jerk policy proposals that tax everything digital to subsidize struggling industries are not the way forward."
Putting your voice on the record against Quebec’s Internet censorship Bill 74
Nearly 20,000 Canadians are asking federal decision-makers to deem the controversial bill in violation of our right to freedom of expression.
OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet. Take action now
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