Press Releases

List of our press releases, in reverse chronological order.

Bell Mobility is taking Canadians to court so it can keep artificially inflating the price of competing apps and services

February 22nd, 2015
In an effort to make Internet services more like cable TV, Bell is trying to overturn a CRTC decision forcing the company to respect net neutrality and treat independent video services fairly on their network

Messages from Internet users to be beamed on Giant Jumbotron outside the FCC, in run-up to crucial Net Neutrality decision

February 17th, 2015
February 18, 2015 – Internet users have a new way to ensure their voice is heard, in the run-up to the FCC’s crucial net neutrality decision next week. Internet freedom group OpenMedia, backed by a huge coalition including Daily Kos, Roots Action, The Nation, Tumblr, and others will park a giant Jumbotron opposite FCC headquarters. The Jumbotron will stream messages and images submitted by Internet users through an online tool going live today at The campaign aims to pressure the FCC to prevent telecom giants like Comcast and Verizon from creating slow lanes on the Internet. In recent months, over 5.1 million people have spoken out to protest this slow lane plan. The FCC will not accept formal comments from the public in the remaining time leading up to their February 26 decision, so the giant Jumbotron will be the most direct way people can reach them.

Messages from Internet users to be beamed on Giant Jumbotron outside U.S. FCC, in run-up to crucial Net Neutrality decision with major implications for Canada

February 17th, 2015
Vancouver-based Internet freedom group OpenMedia, with support from diverse coalition, including Daily Kos, Tumblr, Fark, The Center for Media Justice, Roots Action, and The Nation, to park giant Jumbotron outside FCC headquarters and stream thousands of messages and images from citizens

New spy powers will undermine privacy of Canadians, and fails to address inadequate control and accountability of spy agencies

January 30th, 2015
New measures to undermine privacy proposed just days after the government’s spy agency CSE revealed to be spying on private online activities of law-abiding Canadians on a massive scale

In big win for Internet users, CRTC finds Bell Mobility unlawfully made competing mobile video apps and services more expensive

January 29th, 2015
Following case taken by concerned Canadians and public interest groups, CRTC says mobile providers cannot markup independent services like Netflix to give their own content an unfair advantage

Breaking - Spy agency CSE is monitoring our private online activities on a massive scale and sharing sensitive data with other governments

January 28th, 2015
Canadian spy agency has been caught monitoring over 100 popular file-storage websites, spying on millions of downloads a day, with Canadian Internet addresses among the targets

Internet advocates celebrate President Obama’s plan to provide all Americans with faster, cheaper Internet

January 14th, 2015
January 14, 2015 – On the heels of the FCC’s announcement of new minimum Internet speeds for all Americans, Internet advocates are celebrating today’s push from President Obama calling for common-sense steps to ensure American Internet users can access a wide range of affordable, innovative, and high-speed services independent of current big telecom conglomerates. President Obama urged the FCC to override laws in 19 states that block independent options for Internet services, and called for new funding for municipal and rural broadband Internet development across the country. In response, Campaigns Manager Josh Tabish had this to say:

Obama Administration to provide citizens with faster, cheaper Internet while Canada falls behind

January 14th, 2015
Internet advocates celebrate Obama’s move, and point to it as the type of action required to get Canada’s Internet rates and speeds on par with global counterparts.

Canadians demanding James Moore take action to end media conglomerates’ $150,000 copyright shakedown

January 12th, 2015
U.S. media giants are sending Canadians threatening notices telling them they could face $150,000 lawsuits and get kicked kicked off the Internet – neither of which are possible under Canadian law

Shaw is trying to force indie Internet providers to artificially raise prices for Canadians

January 8th, 2015
New move blocks Canadians from affordable Internet alternatives, in attempt to force independent providers to raise prices in line with Shaw’s recent steep price hike
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