Press Releases

List of our press releases, in reverse chronological order.

Leading digital rights organization throws support behind National Day of Action against the government’s Secret Police Bill C-51

March 10th, 2015
OpenMedia is encouraging Internet users across Canada to support events in over 35 cities this Saturday March 14

New Wireless auction results point to improved wireless service choice for Canadians

March 6th, 2015
Industry Minister James Moore has announced the outcome of the AWS-3 wireless spectrum auction. Proactive spectrum rules appear to have ensured independent providers have the infrastructure they need to expand services.

Canadian group plays pivotal role in Historic Win for Internet, as U.S. FCC announces strong new rules to save Net Neutrality

February 26th, 2015
Year-long campaign ends in victory, after massive global coalition unites to stop telecom conglomerates’ plan to force millions of websites into an Internet slow lane.

Historic Win for Internet as FCC announces strong new rules to save Net Neutrality after over 5 million Internet users spoke out

February 26th, 2015
February 26, 2015 – The Federal Communications Commission has just announced strong new Net Neutrality rules. Experts say the new rules will entrench net neutrality and prevent telecom conglomerates from creating ‘slow lanes’ on the Internet. The rules came after a massive, year-long grassroots campaign involving over 5 million people from across the U.S. and around the globe. The campaign was organized by an inspiring coalition of open Internet groups, public interest groups, civil rights organizations and web companies. Internet freedom organization OpenMedia, which yesterday parked a giant Jumbotron opposite the FCC to stream thousands of citizen comments, is hailing the FCC’s announcement as a landmark win for Internet users everywhere.

One Giant Jumbotron, Millions of Voices: Today the Internet comes together to defend Net Neutrality

February 24th, 2015
With historic Net Neutrality decision imminent, OpenMedia and huge coalition park Jumbotron opposite FCC HQ in Washington D.C., to stream images, messages, and videos submitted by tens of thousands of Internet users

One Giant Jumbotron, Millions of Voices: Today the Internet comes together to defend Net Neutrality

February 24th, 2015
February 25, 2015 – When staff at the FCC look out the window today, they’ll see the Internet looking right back at them. In advance of tomorrow’s crucial FCC Net Neutrality decision, OpenMedia and a huge Internet freedom coalition are parking a giant Jumbotron opposite the agency’s headquarters in Washington D.C. The Jumbotron will be streaming images, messages, videos, and memes submitted by tens of thousands of Internet users via an online tool at The FCC is poised to decide whether to allow telecom companies to create slow lanes on the Internet. The Jumbotron will be part of a range of activity outside the FCC building, as Internet freedom advocates gather from all over the U.S. and the globe. Over five million people, including President Obama, have called on the FCC to defend real Net Neutrality. Comments made by FCC chair Tom Wheeler earlier this month prompted cautious optimism from open Internet advocates.

Bell Mobility is taking Canadians to court so it can keep artificially inflating the price of competing apps and services

February 22nd, 2015
In an effort to make Internet services more like cable TV, Bell is trying to overturn a CRTC decision forcing the company to respect net neutrality and treat independent video services fairly on their network

Messages from Internet users to be beamed on Giant Jumbotron outside the FCC, in run-up to crucial Net Neutrality decision

February 17th, 2015
February 18, 2015 – Internet users have a new way to ensure their voice is heard, in the run-up to the FCC’s crucial net neutrality decision next week. Internet freedom group OpenMedia, backed by a huge coalition including Daily Kos, Roots Action, The Nation, Tumblr, and others will park a giant Jumbotron opposite FCC headquarters. The Jumbotron will stream messages and images submitted by Internet users through an online tool going live today at The campaign aims to pressure the FCC to prevent telecom giants like Comcast and Verizon from creating slow lanes on the Internet. In recent months, over 5.1 million people have spoken out to protest this slow lane plan. The FCC will not accept formal comments from the public in the remaining time leading up to their February 26 decision, so the giant Jumbotron will be the most direct way people can reach them.

Messages from Internet users to be beamed on Giant Jumbotron outside U.S. FCC, in run-up to crucial Net Neutrality decision with major implications for Canada

February 17th, 2015
Vancouver-based Internet freedom group OpenMedia, with support from diverse coalition, including Daily Kos, Tumblr, Fark, The Center for Media Justice, Roots Action, and The Nation, to park giant Jumbotron outside FCC headquarters and stream thousands of messages and images from citizens
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