Tag: trudeau

Your voice, DELIVERED: OpenMedia’s submission to the government’s CRTC policy direction consultation is in!
Nearly 16,000 members of the OpenMedia community have spoken out to shape the future of the CRTC. Thank you for adding your voices!

Your voice, DELIVERED: OpenMedia’s latest petition to stop Rogers from buying Shaw is in!
To date, the OpenMedia community has called on the government a whopping 34,700+ times to block Rogers-Shaw. Talk about a deafening response!

FAQ: Why it’s crucial Canada’s next CRTC Chair be a champion for the people’s Internet
This is our once-in-5-years shot to appoint a CRTC Chair who stands up for the people, NOT Big Telecom.

NAFTA 2.0 and Digital Rights: The Good, The Bad and The Worst
Last week Canada signed a rebranded NAFTA deal after months of suspense and secretive negotiations. But what does the deal mean for the Internet? Here’s the lowdown.

Our TPP ads are up right outside Prime Minister Trudeau’s office!
OpenMedia community: your message against the TPP is right outside of Parliament for Trudeau to see and this would have not been possible without you — THANK YOU!

Copyright in the new TPP: A milestone or a PR move?
The Canadian government pushed for significant improvements to the Intellectual Property chapter in the new TPP, but it's still too early to throw confetti, here's why:

Over 88% of the first round of National Security Consultation submissions that mention Bill C-51 support its repeal
A crowdsourced analysis reveals that 88.7% of submissions that mention Bill C-51 support the repeal of the controversial surveillance legislation.

Back from the grave — Secret TPP talks to resume in Toronto
As Toronto hosts two days of high-level TPP talks in an undisclosed location, civil society groups warn that TPP cannot be the basis for Canada’s future trade relationships

Trump’s election should prompt Canada to rethink its complicity with U.S. mass surveillance
Do Trump's pronouncements on issues of online privacy, surveillance, and net neutrality send a shiver down your spine? It might be a wake up call for Canada.

Privacy Commissioner’s Annual Report confirms that the system is broken
Privacy Commissioner’s findings underscore the need for a complete repeal of Bill C-51 and an end to the bulk collection of Canadians’ metadata

Progress! Government agrees to public consultations on C-51
It looks like the government is listening to Canadians when it comes to consulting widely on C-51 and our privacy deficit.

Experts, advocates, and 50,000+ Canadians build the definitive case for Cabinet to reject Bell Canada’s price-gouging scheme
OpenMedia’s comments were submitted for a crucial December 21 filing deadline for comments to Cabinet, and outline in detail the concerns of over 50,000 Internet users who have spoken out against Bell’s appeal through OpenMedia’s Internet Emergency campaign.

Let’s make Canada’s parties endorse our pro-Internet action plan
Exciting news! Green Party leader Elizabeth May has just announced her endorsement of our crowdsourced pro-Internet action plan. So far Ms. May is the first major party leader to do so - and we’re thrilled to have her waving the flag for Canada’s Internet.
This is great news for Canada’s pro-Internet movement and never would have happened without so many people speaking up to support our plan. Now we need to keep up the pressure on all the party leaders, to ensure our action plan can be put into law.

Star: Trudeau backed C-51, but won’t say if it’s constitutional
Looks like the Liberal Party voted for a bill they're not even sure is constitutional...
Article by the Canadian Press at the Toronto Star
BROSSARD, QUE. — Justin Trudeau won’t say if Bill C-51 — the controversial anti-terror bill introduced by the Conservatives — is constitutional, even though the Liberals backed it in Parliament.

Huffington Post: Trudeau On Bill C-51 Stance: ‘Perhaps It Was Naive’
No Kidding! So, what are you going to do about it now?- call him to change his tune at KillC51.ca
Article by Althia Raj for the Huffington Post
TORONTO — Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau acknowledged Thursday that his position on the Conservative’s anti-terrorism Bill C-51 may have been “naive.”

iPolitics: Time for Trudeau to lay his anti-terror cards on the table
Less than 100 days away from the election, this debate is already having a major impact on the opinion polls - and any party leader who wants to be the next PM had better get onside with what Canadians want. Speak out now to get C-51 repealed at KillC51.ca
Article by Steve Sullivan for iPolitics

Globe and Mail: Trudeau’s support of Bill C-51 weakened the Liberal party
Bill C-51 is so unpopular that is having a major role in the electoral campaign. No matter who wins, this reckless bill should be repealed. Speak out now at KillC51.ca
Article by Jane Taber for The Globe and Mail
John Fenik is the Mayor of Perth, a picturesque community just southwest of Ottawa. A card-carrying Liberal for more than a decade, Mr. Fenik turned in his membership card a couple of months ago, and is now the NDP candidate for Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston, one of the bluest Tory ridings in the country.

The Tyee: Liberal Plan a Tough Sell for C-51 Opponents
We want a Prime Minister who cares about our civil liberties. We need Trudeau and all party leaders to repeal reckless Bill C-51! Tell them to do so at KillC51.ca
Article by Jeremy J. Nuttall for The Tyee
Justin Trudeau will have to do more than pledge to fix what he calls a broken Ottawa to win back would-be supporters, say opponents of the recently-passed Anti-Terrorism Act.

Huffington Post: Liberals were caught off guard when candidate MacLeod stepped down over C-51 vote
After candidate MacLeod stepped down over Trudeau's C-51 vote, the Liberal party issued a statement saying his resignation was for personal reasons...
Article by Althia Raj for the Huffington Post
OTTAWA — The federal Liberals are staying mum about a star candidate who just turned on them.
OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet. Take action now
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