Tag: btlr

The BTL…What? What is the BTLR report and what it means for the future of our Internet
The report grants the CRTC far-reaching powers over media, but fails to provide systemic solutions to the issue of telecom affordability and access.

Broadcasting and Telecommunications Legislative Review Panel releases its “what we heard” interim report
The report contains few surprises and a variety of different themes relevant to the future of the Internet in Canada

Our submission to the Broadcasting and Telecommunications Act review is in — thanks for speaking out!
We submitted our views to the Broadcasting and Telecommunications Act review on behalf of the OpenMedia community to foster an open and innovative Internet in Canada. Thank you for adding your voices!

The Future of Canada’s Internet Is In Our Hands
Our best chance in decades to put the public interest at the heart of the laws that govern Canada’s Internet is here. This is how we seize it.
OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet. Take action now
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