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Tell the CRTC: Put the Community First!

High-quality broadband Internet is now a basic service for all Canadians. But how do we turn that into a reality? By urging the CRTC to put their $750 million fund where it is needed the most: the community!

Last December, in one of our community’s biggest wins ever, the CRTC ruled that high-quality Internet should be a basic service for all Canadians and created a $750 million fund to support broadband projects in rural, underserved, and unserved areas.

Now, the CRTC is asking Canadians how that $750 million should be spent: should we invest it in innovative community-driven initiatives, or just hand it to Big Telecom giants who have failed time and time again to deliver affordable, reliable Internet to Canadians who need it?

These funds have the potential to be a real game-changer for Canadians who have long-suffered from lack of affordable, reliable Internet. We can’t afford to let this opportunity go to waste — but we have to speak up now before the deadline.

Tell the CRTC:Ensure broadband funding goes to community-driven initiatives instead of filling Big Telecom’s deep pockets.

We fought hard to make the Internet a basic service for all Canadians – Now we have to make it a reality by ensuring the CRTC’s limited funding goes where it’s needed the most: Canadian communities that the digital divide has left behind.

Imagine if an ISP existed to put users and citizens like yourself at the centre – Internet service for the public, by the public. If allocated toward municipal, community, or non-profit initiatives, the CRTC’s fund will help realize the goal of bringing widespread, affordable Internet access across the country.

We know the CRTC listens closely to what Canadians are saying, so if enough of us show there is real desire for community, municipal and non-profit broadband, we can convince the CRTC to put their $750 million fund toward community-driven initiatives. SPEAK OUT NOW!

And follow us on Facebook and Twitter for the latest updates on our Community Broadband First campaign and our other digital rights work!

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