Tag: cdnpoli

Feb. 28 is the Day of Action against a Bell-led censorship initiative — join us!
Mark the date on your calendars — on February 28 Canadians across the country are coming together to protest Bell coalition's website blocking plan. Here’s how you can participate.

Your voices helped shape the new TPP
Yesterday Canada joined 10 other countries in reaching a deal on a reworked version of the TPP, suspending some Intellectual Property and ISDS (Investor State Dispute Settlement) provisions that would have had detrimental impacts on the open Internet. The work doesn't end here, but this win for the Internet community would have not been possible if it wasn't for you — so thank you for speaking out!

Tell the CRTC: Put the Community First!
High-quality broadband Internet is now a basic service for all Canadians. But how do we turn that into a reality? By urging the CRTC to put their $750 million fund where it is needed the most: the community!

Bell’s takeover of MTS will harm middle class consumers and businesses who rely on affordable telecom services
Merger will result in higher telecom costs in one of the few provinces with affordable rates, reinforcing calls to encourage competition by structurally separating the networks.

Consumers face double-whammy of Bell telecom price-hikes and potential new Internet Tax
Bell is raising Internet prices in Ontario and Quebec by $5, as their smaller competitor TekSavvy lowers its rates
OpenMedia’s presentation at the CRTC hearings on differential pricing (a.k.a. zero-rating)
With support from 55,000 Canadians, OpenMedia testified at crucial CRTC hearings on November 3, 2016, and called on them to End Data Caps. Here's what our team had to say.

Our last chance to knock down the TPP is here, let’s seize it!
The clock is ticking as the government’s public consultations on the TPP close on October 31st, so it’s never been more important that all Canadians stand together to knock down the worst trade deal in history.

Credit where credit is due: Minister Bains edition
The federal government took the advice of nearly 80,000 Canadians and rejected Bell Canada’s appeal.
The state of broadband Internet in Bowen Island
The Municipality of Bowen Island invited OpenMedia to talk about what their options are to get faster, cheaper Internet. This short documentary will be part of the record of the CRTC Review of Basic Telecommunication Services hearing.

Budget 2016 investment could have significant impact on rural Internet across Canada
Announced investment is a welcome start, but the devil will be in the details.

Jumping the shark: Canada to sign the TPP without public consultation?
Canada’s Trade Minister has finally confirmed that Canada will sign the TPP. But there is still hope, and here’s our Meghan Sali to explain why.
OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet. Take action now
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