Canada Free & Open Internet Celebrates Green Party’s Support for Stop Online Spying Campaign

Green Party Leader May calls proposed electronic surveillance laws “a violation of personal security”

September 16, 2011 – The Green Party of Canada has announced their support for’s work on a public education campaign about the Conservative government’s invasive online spying bills. is pleased to have the Greens’ support, and is calling this a critical step toward preventing the Harper government from passing bills that would allow warrantless surveillance of Canadians’ electronic communications.

“We welcome the Green Party to the campaign, and hope that other political groups will soon follow in their footsteps,” says Steve Anderson,’s executive director.

In April, the Green Party became the first to register with as a “pro-Internet” party. By opposing mandatory online surveillance and supporting’s campaign, the Green Party is honouring this commitment to advance and protect open communication in Canada.



Lindsey Pinto
Communications Manager,
[email protected]

About is a non-partisan, non-profit public engagement organization working to advance and support an open and innovative communications system in Canada. Our primary goal is to increase informed participation in Internet governance. is best-known for coordinating the “Stop The Meter” campaign earlier this year. The Stop The Meter campaign is widely considered the largest online citizens’ campaign in Canadian history involving nearly half a million Canadians.

About Stop Online Spying

The Stop Online Spying campaign is supported by a group of public interest organizations, civil liberties groups, businesses, and concerned academics that have come together to encourage the government to reconsider its pending "Lawful Access" legislation (formerly introduced as Bills C-50, C-51, and C-52). The group believes the proposed legislation enables warrantless surveillance that is invasive, excessive and costly. Over 60,000 Canadians have signed the Stop Online Spying petition at

OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet. Take action now

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