
It’s a Conspiracy!

It's a Conspiracy!
by: Mario Canseco

JFK, Princess Di, that radiated Russian. What do people really believe now?

Earlier this year, an official inquest began to review the events surrounding the death of Princess Diana in 1997. In Israel, a committee was formed in an effort to secure the release of Yigal Amir, the convicted killer of former prime minister Yitzhak Rabin. These two seemingly unconnected events have something in common: the belief that the official explanation for a shocking occurrence is not entirely transparent.

Diana's fans cite several possibilities, from an alleged pregnancy to a vengeful royal family, to justify their belief in a plot. In Israel, several books have been published to discuss the idea of an apparent assassination attempt gone wrong, and the alleged involvement of prominent left-wing and right-wing figures.

These are but two of numerous examples whereby public opinion appears to prefer conspiracy theories to the "official" explanations offered by governments and the mainstream media.

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