Press Releases

List of our press releases, in reverse chronological order.

Over 50,000 Canadians call on Cabinet to reject Bell Canada’s appeal to gut landmark CRTC decision

December 22nd, 2015
OpenMedia and Internet users build definitive case, debunking myths and skewering Bell’s attempts to mislead Canadian policymakers

Following Shaw takeover of Wind, will the Big Four be any better for Canadian wireless customers than the Big Three?

December 16th, 2015
Shaw takeover of Wind creates possibility for greater customer choice, but sparks concern about industry concentration and the impact on Canada’s high wireless prices

Researchers map the Internet’s “boomerang routes” where data transfers between Canadians move through the US, increasing exposure to state surveillance

December 16th, 2015
Team at University of Toronto launches new mapping tool to help Canadians understand the movement of their Internet data

Police refusal to deny use of StingRays to spy on cell phone data should trigger investigation by Privacy Commissioner

December 15th, 2015
Police forces across the country appear to be violating the privacy rights of Canadians, sweeping up massive amounts of private cell phone data with the use of powerful StingRay surveillance devices. 

European Commission proposal to copyright Internet links and snippets reveals shocking disregard for how the Internet works

December 9th, 2015
Experts warn that today’s heavy-handed European Commission proposals will stifle free expression and people’s ability to share news and access information online.

Civil society groups call on Trudeau to launch full public consultation before introducing C-51 reforms

November 19th, 2015
Organizations and academic experts say that following last week’s tragic events in Paris, it’s especially important that the government consult Canadians before introducing its C-51 reform package

Internet users set to flood public consultation to push back against proposals that would censor free speech and shut down Right to Link

November 16th, 2015
November 17, 2015 – Civil society and digital rights groups are sounding the alarm about a public consultation run by the European Commission on the role of online platforms, the result of which could be new copyright rules that would effectively shut down people’s right to freely link online. The 75,000-strong Save The Link network has created an Internet Voice Tool to send feedback to the Commission as part of their consultation. A recently leaked draft communication on copyright reform reveals that the European Commission is considering copyrighting the act of linking to content freely available elsewhere online. Earlier this year, the European Parliament firmly rejected a proposal that could have resulted in a new EU-wide ‘Link Tax’, and this leaked document appears to be an attempt to raise the issue once more.

Final TPP text reveals serious threats to Internet freedom

November 5th, 2015
For Immediate Release Agreement includes provisions to censor the Internet, rob the public domain, undermine data privacy, and force TPP countries to import draconian copyright rules November 5, 2015 – Over a month since a deal was first announced, the full text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement has finally been revealed. The text, published today by the New Zealand government, will force the 12 participating TPP nations to import draconian copyright rules. It also threatens to undermine data privacy, rob the public domain, and induce Internet providers to censor websites.

Final TPP text threatens Internet freedom and will force Canada to overhaul copyright – but will Trudeau go along?

November 5th, 2015
Final text includes provisions to censor the Internet, rob the public domain, and force Canada to import U.S.-style copyright rules 

Litmus test for new government as Big Telecom threatens future of affordable Internet service in Canada

October 21st, 2015
Bell Canada is calling on the new federal Cabinet to overturn pro-customer CRTC requirements to ensure Canadians can access high-speed independent providers
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