Press Releases
List of our press releases, in reverse chronological order.
Nearly 100,000 speaking out as U.S. FCC pushes ahead with proposal that could create an Internet Slow Lane
Huge public outcry succeeds in forcing FCC to back away from officially endorsing Big Telecom’s Slow Lane plan
The U.S. Federal Communications Commission announced this morning that it will push ahead with a proposal that could create an Internet slow lane for everyone except deep-pocketed conglomerates. However, at the last minute, the FCC pulled back from their the original vision for the slow lane proposal, which is being pushed for by Big Telecom, by opening the possibility of reclassifying broadband as a telecommunications service. Experts agree that reclassification the only way to safeguard the open Internet and put an end to the prospect of slow lanes.
The FCC proposal now moves into a 60-day public comment period, followed by a further 60 days for response. Nearly 100,000 people have spoken out against the Slow Lane as part of an international campaign led by OpenMedia in partnership with The Nation magazine.
International Internet users join the campaign against proposed Internet Slow Lane plan from the FCC
Internet users around the world are speaking out to prevent drastic new proposals that could see many favourite websites slow to a crawl. Leading Canadian Internet freedom group has teamed up with The Nation magazine and other groups to launch an international online campaign aimed at stopping the plan.
Key decision-makers at the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) meet Thursday to discuss a proposal from FCC Chair Tom Wheeler that would force every service that can’t pay new “prioritization” fees into a slow lane. The proposed new rules would come into effect in the U.S., but their effects would soon be felt worldwide, crippling many favorite websites and online services, while making it more expensive for people to use the Internet.
Digital Privacy Act does almost nothing to tackle central privacy concern for Canadians: reckless and expensive government surveillance
Incoherent for government to advance protections on commercial privacy, while at same time advancing Bill C-13 which would throw door open to widespread government surveillance of law-abiding Canadians
Expert report reveals Internet providers should be more transparent about how they handle our private information
Report lifts the curtain on how Internet providers protect privacy, giving Canadians an at-a-glance tool to rate their provider’s transparency compared with others
Parliament resumes debate on Online Spying Bill that provides immunity for telecom companies who are helping authorities spy on Canadians without a warrant
Government trying to smuggle through unpopular online spying measures that would grant immunity to telecom providers that hand over private information without a warrant
Hard-hitting video released that highlights how Peter MacKay’s online spying legislation would let a range of government officials spy on law-abiding Canadians without oversight
Canadians have come together from across the political spectrum to denounce Bill C-13, which would give a range of authorities access to the private lives of Canadians without a warrant
Quebecor entry a positive development but more action required to stop cell phone price-gouging after Big Three gobble up most of key spectrum assets
Government must ensure more choice to save Canadians from price-gouging and disrespectful customer service
Thousands of innocent Canadian air travellers monitored and spied on by the government - full independent inquiry urgently needed, says says Canadians deserve a transparent independent investigation and total overhaul of failed government spy agency CSEC’s oversight, following confirmation that the agency has been monitoring and tracking the precise movements of thousands of Canadians without cause
Privacy Experts ask telecoms if they are helping the government spy on Canadians
Academic researchers and civil liberties groups send detailed request aimed at revealing full extent of government spying on Canadians through telecom providers
As Big Three aim to consolidate telecom dominance, Canadians come together to discuss new solutions to build a more ‘Connected Canada’
Citizen-backed is organizing a series of events across Canada to ensure the CRTC puts Canadians first when it comes to key digital policy decisions