Tag: trump

Image for NAFTA 2.0 and Digital Rights: The Good, The Bad and The Worst

NAFTA 2.0 and Digital Rights: The Good, The Bad and The Worst

Last week Canada signed a rebranded NAFTA deal after months of suspense and secretive negotiations. But what does the deal mean for the Internet? Here’s the lowdown.
Image for New NAFTA agreement’s copyright rules will cost Canadians millions

New NAFTA agreement’s copyright rules will cost Canadians millions

This is a terrible deal for Canadians. These draconian copyright provisions must be rejected.
Image for Applying for a U.S. visa? “Extreme digital vetting” could be about to get worse

Applying for a U.S. visa? “Extreme digital vetting” could be about to get worse

The Trump administration has proposed a new rule that could force every single U.S. visa applicant to provide five years of social media history — affecting nearly 15 million people per year.
Image for NAFTA: Our Digital Rights are not for sale (or trade)

NAFTA: Our Digital Rights are not for sale (or trade)

OpenMedia’s official submission to the NAFTA consultation puts the digital rights concerns of Canadians front and centre
Image for Federal Communications Commission votes to begin dismantling Net Neutrality

Federal Communications Commission votes to begin dismantling Net Neutrality

Trump-appointed FCC Chairman Ajit Pai is backing a plan that will eliminate Title II protections that ensure all traffic is treated equally online
Image for Back from the grave — Secret TPP talks to resume in Toronto

Back from the grave — Secret TPP talks to resume in Toronto

As Toronto hosts two days of high-level TPP talks in an undisclosed location, civil society groups warn that TPP cannot be the basis for Canada’s future trade relationships
Image for This sobering Twitter stream explains how the gutting of #BroadbandPrivacy in the U.S. will impact LGBTQ people

This sobering Twitter stream explains how the gutting of #BroadbandPrivacy in the U.S. will impact LGBTQ people

As the FCC’s pro-privacy rules are overturned by Congress, Evan Greer, Campaign Director at Fight For the Future, highlights how this move will disproportionately affect LGBTQ people.
Image for Privacy Commissioner calls on government to ensure protection of Canadians’ data in U.S.

Privacy Commissioner calls on government to ensure protection of Canadians’ data in U.S.

The federal Privacy Commissioner asks Cabinet to ensure privacy rights of Canadians are respected.
Image for We’re taking action: Trump’s attack on Canadian privacy

We’re taking action: Trump’s attack on Canadian privacy

Trump’s recent attack on Canadian privacy has thrown Canadian data sharing agreements into the spotlight. We’re taking action with the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada to ask for serious reconsideration of how Canadians should be protected from privacy violations in light of intrusive data sharing.
Image for Canada must urgently reassess data sharing with the U.S.

Canada must urgently reassess data sharing with the U.S.

President Trump's elimination of Privacy Act protections for foreigners calls for the Canadian government to immediately step up and assess what the impacts are of sharing our personal information with the U.S.
Image for Letter to the community: Standing together in the face of adversity

Letter to the community: Standing together in the face of adversity

In the wake of recent events, we thought it was time to check in. Here’s a letter to our community from our Executive Director Laura Tribe. Let us know what you think in the comments below!
Image for All Out Against the TPP: Vancouver Edition

All Out Against the TPP: Vancouver Edition

The TPP in its original form may be dead, but some of its poisonous components remain – and big media lobbyists will continue to push for them. Join us for a mobilization against secret and undemocratic agreements!

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