Tag: trade

New NAFTA agreement’s copyright rules will cost Canadians millions
This is a terrible deal for Canadians. These draconian copyright provisions must be rejected.

Civil society groups are calling on Canadian government to release NAFTA public consultation results
11 organizations urge the federal government to release over 45,000 NAFTA public consultation submissions and fulfil its promises of transparency.

Over 55,000 voices are on their way to Minister Freeland’s office
This week we delivered over 55,000 signatures calling for the protection of our digital rights in the new NAFTA to Minister of Foreign Affairs Chrystia Freeland — and you bet it’s going to make an impact.

Standing Committee on International Trade Publishes NAFTA Study: Supports Balance in Copyright and Protecting Data Privacy
The Standing Committee on International Trade (CIIT) recently published a report on a study on how NAFTA affects Canadians, bearing encouraging news for Internet advocates.

Our TPP ads are up right outside Prime Minister Trudeau’s office!
OpenMedia community: your message against the TPP is right outside of Parliament for Trudeau to see and this would have not been possible without you — THANK YOU!

Three ways NAFTA helps the powerful bend the rules
Corporate greed has no limits. Time and time again we see the big and powerful seize every opportunity they can to suit their interests and trample ours, as in the case of NAFTA:

Over 11,000 Canadians have spoken: NO to pursuing TPP negotiations
Once again, Canadians have come together in the thousands to send a clear message to the federal government: The TPP is a bad deal for our country, regardless of U.S. involvement. Thanks for speaking out!

NAFTA: Our Digital Rights are not for sale (or trade)
OpenMedia’s official submission to the NAFTA consultation puts the digital rights concerns of Canadians front and centre

The TPP is trying to make a sneaky comeback – so let’s send it back to its grave
Corporate greed has insatiable thirst and so, lobbyists are gathering in Toronto to try and resurrect the infamous TPP. But we are not going to let that happen, so here’s the plan.

Back from the grave — Secret TPP talks to resume in Toronto
As Toronto hosts two days of high-level TPP talks in an undisclosed location, civil society groups warn that TPP cannot be the basis for Canada’s future trade relationships

How Canadians can ensure we never repeat the mistakes of the TPP
Writing for Common Ground magazine and Rabble.ca, our own Meghan Sali argues that our Let’s Talk TPP Citizens’ Report shows that Canadians cannot support trade deals made in secret.

It’s here! Our TPP Citizens’ Report explores how we can rebuild public trust in trade processes
Our Let’s Talk TPP Citizens’ Report is finally here! Check out the full report and use our tool to send it to your MP.

A sneak peek into the TPP Citizens’ Report: how we can rebuild public trust in trade processes
The public has lost confidence in trade processes that put the interests of corporate lobbyists before people. But there’s a way back from the brink.

Trudeau: send a message to Canadians and ditch the TPP
The TPP is on its last legs – but why not finish it off? Trudeau should take a stand and reject the TPP.

Your TPP message on a giant screen
We've booked a giant Jumbotron to beam your messages directly to decision-makers, and we’ll park it outside the first major TPP consultation. Send us your ideas!

Recapping the Trouble with the TPP: Pt 2
Part two of our summary on Michael Geist's "the trouble with the TPP" series exposes more threats to our digital future in Canada. Find out more about how this agreement will be felt here at home.

Who benefits from the TPP? We’re still not sure. An evening with Chrystia Freeland, Canada’s Minister of International Trade
I attended a panel discussion on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) with Canada’s International Trade Minister, Chrystia Freeland, in the hope of finding some answers to the big question: who benefits from the TPP?

Truth Out: What’s Going On With the TPP?
TPP Update: After years of secret negotiations, we’ve just learned U.S. Trans-Pacific Partnership officials have decided to appoint a “Chief Transparency Officer.” So who did they pick? One of their own lawyers, Tim Reif. Not exactly encouraging. TPP provisions will grievously hurt the Internet and our right to free expression! We need to speak out at StopTheSecrecy.net/Canada
Article by Maira Sutton (EFF) for Truth Out

Globe and Mail: Tories hope TPP deal is signed before election campaign kickoff
Amidst the final stages of the TPP talks in Hawaii, the government is hoping to reach an agreement before the election campaign kickoff expected to start on Sunday. It's never been more important to send a message to the trade ministers and tell them to say NO to TPP. Send your message now at StoptheSecrecy.net
Article by the Canadian Press for the Globe and Mail

Motherboard: New leak confirms the secretive TPP is a horrorshow
No Big Industry interests were harmed in the making of this agreement. Speak out now at StoptheSecrecy.net
Article by Jordan Pearson for Motherboard
At a luxury hotel in Maui, representatives from the 12 countries participating in the highly controversial and secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal are negotiatingbehind closed doors. Thanks to a secret letter from a 2013 meeting, released today by WikiLeaks, we now have a clearer idea of what they’re discussing.

CBC: Trans-Pacific Partnership trade talks peak as Canada eyes election timing
Harper might want to stretch the TPP bargaining to minimize electoral risks. But in the middle of an election, the timing is not really up to Canada. Speak out now at StoptheSecrecy.net
Article by Janyce McGregor for CBC
Pity Ed Fast's campaign manager in Abbotsford, B.C.

CBC: ‘Shrewd’ Canada playing long game as TPP trade talks begin in Maui
Aloha! Welcome to the weekend, where things get real for TPP negotiations in Hawaii.
Speak out now at StoptheSecrecy.net
Article by Janyce McGregor for CBC News
As Canada's lead negotiator Kirsten Hillman and the rest of her Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiating team sit down with their counterparts in Maui, Hawaii this weekend, they may sense pounding from more than just the nearby surf.

Tyee: TPP Deal Puts BC’s Privacy Laws in the Crosshairs
The TPP would render B.C. privacy laws useless. Speak out now to repeal this secretive, Internet-censoring deal at StoptheSecrecy.net
Article by Scott Sinclair for The Tyee
British Columbia's privacy laws are in the crosshairs of the nearly completed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement. If you're wondering what the heck data privacy protections have to do with trade, you're not alone. Public awareness of the far-reaching, 12-country negotiation is scant, with polls showing three-quarters of Canadians have never even heard of the TPP.

Geist: The real deal about the TPP’s implications for the rights of Canadians
The TPP threatens Canada's privacy, copyright and patent laws. Speak out now at StoptheSecrecy.net
Article by Michael Geist for the Toronto Star
The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), a proposed trade agreement that encompasses nearly 40 per cent of world GDP, heads to Hawaii later this month for ministerial-level negotiations.

IBTimes: The TPP will leave us unprotected
The TPP gives industry lobbyists the power to sue our government in secret form tribunals over any law or regulation they claim affects their future profits. Speak out now at http://StoptheSecrecy.net
Article by David Sirota for the International Business Times

CBC: Canadians still don’t know what the Trans-Pacific Partnership is
Despite the secrecy, we know that The TPP would criminalize your online activity, invade your privacy, and cost you money. Speak out now at StoptheSecrecy.net
Article by The Canadian Press for the CBC
It's the biggest free trade deal Canadians never heard of.

Geist: Canadians, beware of the TPP
The TPP would criminalize your online activity, invade your privacy, and cost you money. Speak out now at Stopthesecrecy.net
Article by Michael Geist
Canada’s business community has mobilized in recent weeks to call on the government to adopt a more aggressive, engaged approach with respect to the biggest trade negotiations on the planet – the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement. The TPP involves 12 countries including the United States, Australia, Mexico, Malaysia, Singapore, New Zealand, Vietnam, Brunei, Japan, Peru, and Chile.
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