Tag: fibre

Wholesale and fibre explained
Wholesale rates and fibre connection play an integral role in our telecom industry. Here's what you need to know.

Minister Champagne’s 3 Simple Steps to Collapsing Internet Competition in Canada
Our “Minister of Collapse” must undo this affordability disaster of his own making.
BREAKING: New CRTC Announcement means more choice and cheaper Internet prices for Canadians
By lowering wholesale broadband Internet rates, the CRTC is lowering barriers for small Internet providers to enter the market!

OpenMedia is calling on the CRTC to hold major ISPs accountable for high-speed Internet rollout
OpenMedia to CRTC: Canadians are counting on you

Bell promises to run fibre to Churchill, Manitoba — for the small price of acquiring MTS
You can almost smell the desperation as Bell promises to run fibre Internet to Churchill, Manitoba if the MTS takeover deal goes through

Get ready for independent fibre Internet — today’s CRTC ruling paves the way for more affordable access
The CRTC released two decisions this morning — one that allows indie ISPs to offer fibre at a lower cost and one that will limit choice.

Huge win for Canadians, as Minister Bains rejects Bell Canada’s attempt to block small providers from ultra-fast Fibre Internet
It's just amazing what our community can achieve when we stand together!

Ottawa residents: Tell City Council to support a motion for affordable Internet ASAP
If you’re a resident of Ottawa, tell your Councillor you want faster, more affordable Internet before the February 24 deadline!

Experts, advocates, and 50,000+ Canadians build the definitive case for Cabinet to reject Bell Canada’s price-gouging scheme
OpenMedia’s comments were submitted for a crucial December 21 filing deadline for comments to Cabinet, and outline in detail the concerns of over 50,000 Internet users who have spoken out against Bell’s appeal through OpenMedia’s Internet Emergency campaign.

Yahoo: Super-fast gigabit Internet service finally coming to (some) Canadians
Our own Josh Tabish explains in this article the importance of high-speed fibre Internet for all Canadians and why it took Canada so long to adopt this technology.
Artice by Brian Chin for Yahoo News
If you're tired of waiting for your TV shows or movies to finish downloading, you can now take advantage of Canada's fastest internet.

CBC: Fast fibre-optic internet arrives in many small towns before big cities
Tired of Big Telecom f*ckery, or a lack of affordable high-speed options, communities across Canada are taking Internet access into the own hands by building their own world-class networks outside our telecom giants. We can't say too much now, but we'll be launching a major campaign to increase the number of these networks that exist. Stay tuned for updates after the election 😉
Article by Zach Dubinsky for CBC

Our crowdsourced policy became government policy. The CRTC heard your call, Canada.
We Won!
As you may have heard, a major ruling on Wednesday from the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) ensures a significant step forward for Canadians’ ability to access affordable Internet options independent of Canada’s large telecom providers.
In short, the ruling creates fair rules forcing Big Telecom to make their digital infrastructure available to small independent ISPs (i.e., outside of Big Telecom) at a reasonable rate, so they are empowered to sell ultra-fast fibre Internet services to Canadians. This means faster, cheaper fibre connections could be coming to your household soon!
The fate of affordable access to next-generation Internet will be decided this week.
This week the the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) is expected to announce a major decision that will significantly impact whether or not Canadians have access to a variety of affordable Internet services independent of Big Telecom, including next-generation fibre.
Back in December, your OpenMedia team presented your views on the future of Canada’s Internet to key decision-makers at CRTC headquarters in Gatineau, Quebec (be sure to check out the video, report-back, and full transcript). At the time, we outlined three major demands on behalf of Internet users across the country:
OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet. Take action now
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