Tag: eu parliament

Save the Link: The Story So Far
Yesterday, the EU Parliament voted in favour of a Link Tax and Censorship Machines in a catastrophic move for the open Internet. But how did we get here, and what happens now? Here’s the quick and dirty story of Save The Link.

Sad day for the Internet: EU Parliament approves a Link Tax and Censorship Machines
MEPs narrowly approved, despite citizens' and experts' concerns, supporting dangerous copyright proposals that will fundamentally change the Internet as we know it

WIN: The EU Parliament sends copyright law back to the drawing board
Today, the European Parliament sided with Internet users and voted to reject the proposed copyright proposal, which includes the dangerous Link Tax and Censorship Machine provisions.

We’re Meeting MEPs in Brussels Next Week to Stop Internet Censorship
This is our one last chance to convince key decision makers to side with European Internet users and shut down a misguided plan to build censorship robots to monitor and block our content online.

IMCO Committee recommends scrapping the Link Tax and warns about harms of content filtering
Parliament’s Committee on the Internal Market recommends that Commission plans for a Link Tax (Article 11) be completely removed from draft legislation
Our write your MEP tool is making an impact
We’ve been having a huge impact in the EU with thousands of people writing to their MEPs, asking them to #savethelink.
OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet. Take action now
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