Tag: data caps

NDP releases plan to bring Internet affordability to Canada
OpenMedia welcomes the plan, and the critical attention to issue of Internet affordability in Canada.

So Long and Thanks for All the Comments
It’s goodbye, but it’s not the end. Thank you for everything, and let’s keep working to build a more just world, online and off.

Win for citizens as CRTC framework will help prevent telecoms from engaging in differential pricing practices
Today’s ruling strengthens Net Neutrality protections by discouraging telecom providers from zero-rating certain apps and services and not others

FCC raises concerns about zero rated programs
Looks like AT&T is playing foul again when it comes to net neutrality.

Thanks to you, we have a real chance to #EndDataCaps and stop zero-rating
How OpenMedia brought your call to end data caps and ban zero-rating to Canada’s Internet policymakers

Make sure you’re paying attention to the net neutrality debate
On net neutrality in Canada: have you been watching? Watch closer.
OpenMedia’s presentation at the CRTC hearings on differential pricing (a.k.a. zero-rating)
With support from 55,000 Canadians, OpenMedia testified at crucial CRTC hearings on November 3, 2016, and called on them to End Data Caps. Here's what our team had to say.

“Listen to Canadians, Aim Higher for Canada, and Protect Innovation for All” — OpenMedia at today’s #EndDataCaps CRTC hearings
Today, with support from 55,000 of you, OpenMedia testified at crucial CRTC hearings, and called on them to End Data Caps. Here’s what happened!

Tomorrow, we’re testifying at the CRTC to End Data Caps! Here’s how to follow us live
On Thursday, your OpenMedia team is testifying at the CRTC, calling on them to stand up for consumers and End Data Caps. Here’s how to stay in the loop.
It’s Time for Canadian Data Plans to Catch Up to Our Changing Viewing Habits
"Dollars for data, Canadians are paying more for gigabyte than just about anywhere else in the world."

Hold onto your hats Canada, it’s going to be a wild week ahead!
We have a busy and exciting week ahead on all of our pillars and we want to make sure our community members are the first to know what’s cooking.

Spotlight turns to data caps, as CRTC study reveals skyrocketing data usage along with price increases
One week before high-profile CRTC hearing on data caps and Internet pricing, Commission's own study confirms data usage surged 40% from 2014 to 2015

Spotlight turns to data caps, as CRTC study reveals skyrocketing data usage along with price increases
One week before high-profile CRTC hearing on data caps and Internet pricing, Commission's own study confirms data usage surged 40% from 2014 to 2015

Looking for unlimited Internet? You’re much better off with an indie provider, finds our new report
Independent and regional providers offer a much better deal when it comes to much-loathed data caps and overage fees

CRTC goes full-Internet with #EndDataCaps Reddit consultation
Make their #2016 effort pay off (so they do it again) — weigh in on the online forum now, all while speaking out against differential pricing.

Over 42,000 Canadian voices against data caps are now on the public record at the CRTC
With support from over 42,000 Canadians, we’ve just delivered a 50-page submission against data caps to the CRTC

Consumer advocates highlight industry support for ending data caps and upholding Net Neutrality in CRTC consultation
Rogers’ opposition to zero-rating and moves by U.S. firms Netflix and T-Mobile suggest Canadian telecoms should follow their lead and offer unlimited data plans

Tired of data caps? You have 24 hours to say so on the public record
The CRTC is asking Canadians how we think the Internet should be priced. Join us on the public record in telling them

As EU publishes strong Net Neutrality rules, Canada cannot afford to fall behind
Canada’s CRTC will soon hold hearings on how best to protect the open Internet: today’s new EU regulations set a positive example.

Opportunity is knocking – let’s end data caps in Canada
Now is the time to end data caps in Canada – all we need is your help

We’re on record — here’s how we’re going to end data caps
OpenMedia, and some amazing partners, have submitted our first papers on how the Internet should be priced in Canada.

We can finally put an end to data caps—but will the CRTC listen?
Canadians now have a unique opportunity to end mean-spirited data caps as the CRTC announces public consultation, and your OpenMedia team is on board to ensure affordable home broadband and wireless services for all.

Data Caps and Overage Fees: What ISPs Aren’t Telling You
Telecom companies are keeping Canadians on a short leash when it comes to data caps.

Let’s end data caps — add your voice as we urge the CRTC to honour the spirit of Net Neutrality
Internet users are mobilizing to seek end to data caps, as new report reveals how Canadians are getting a raw deal on both wired and wireless services.

CRTC urged to end Internet data caps and punitive overage charges
Internet users are mobilizing to seek end to data caps, as new report reveals how Canadians are getting a raw deal on both wired and wireless services.

TechDirt: Comcast Admits Broadband Usage Caps Are A Cash Grab, Not An Engineering Necessity
And there you have it. Comcast – one of the most hated telecom companies in the world – just admitted that data caps are bogus. In Canada, we have a unique chance to end data caps through an ongoing CRTC hearing. Speak out at UnblockCanada.ca
Article by TechDirt
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