Tag: canadian heritage

Your voice, DELIVERED: 103,000+ petition signers urge Senate to fix Bill C-11!
Canada’s Senate just introduced a key amendment that nips many of Bill C-11’s problems in the bud — but brought a HUGE new threat to our privacy along with it.

A First Look at Canada’s Harmful Content proposal
What’s proposed in the government’s harmful content consultation, and where it falls down.

Everything you didn’t know about CanCon
And what it means for 21st-century streaming content in Canada

With Your Help, OpenMedia Lays Out the Case against Internet Taxes for Canadian Heritage’s #DigiCanCon Consultations
OpenMedia submitted formal comments to Canadian Heritage's #DigiCanCon consultations, driving home the case against the Internet Tax. Here's what we told them.

Stop the federal government before it taxes everything on the Internet
"Knee-jerk policy proposals that tax everything digital to subsidize struggling industries are not the way forward."
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