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We need YOU to help us get the word out about link censorship

We’re launching a brand new campaign to make sure that European decision-makers know where Internet users stand on the Commission’s Link Tax and Censorship Robots. Help us get the word out!

We’re in danger of the Web turning into a place of walled gardens and lost links.

The idea we’ve been fighting together – the link tax– unfortunately made it into the draft proposals for a new copyright law. Not only that, but the Commission has also put forward proposals that would require websites to implement mandatory content filtering that will lead to censorship machinery implemented across the EU. Find out more about how these Censorship Robots pose a threat to our basic rights in our recent blog.

This draft law is being looked at by the European Parliament right now, but Members of European Parliament (MEPs) still have the opportunity to listen to the public and say no to these proposals.

And that’s where you come in! We’ve got big plans to make sure that elected representatives hear from their constituents on these critical issues, and we’re kicking them off this Thursday.

Can you help us share this message with MEPs and be part of new campaign launch?

What’s the plan?

We’ve built a brand new tool – the first of its kind in Europe – which enables everyone to message their elected representatives about this dangerous legislation. No matter where you live in the European Union, you’ll be able to use our website to send a message to your MEPs letting them know you don’t want them to vote for copyright proposals that will weaken our right to link and censor the Web.

To get the ball rolling, we’re using a social media amplification tool – Thunderclap! – to send a coordinated anti-censorship message and kick the campaign off with a bang.

If you’re on social media, join us in sending our message around the world.

Thunderclap works like Kickstarter – it doesn’t send our message unless we reach our goal, so it’s really important that we have your support. You’ll be joining a team you can feel proud of: groups like Wikimedia and Creative Commons and artists like Neil Gaiman and Cory Doctorow are already signed up to support! We’ve even got a social media reach of 3.5 million people– and you can help us reach even more.

Here’s the thing, we’ve learned in our work that MEPs aren’t going to do the right thing unless we make a ton of noise. So please, sign on to our Thunderclap today and help spread the word to your friends and family. It is, without a doubt, the most effective thing you can do right now.

And don’t worry! You’ll be hearing from us soon about more you can do to help Save the Link, including using our brand new tool. Stay tuned!

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