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Tell the CRTC in Your Own Words Why We Need Faster, Cheaper Internet

Bad news: Big Telecom giants are throwing every lawyer and lobbyist they have at a rapidly-approaching government hearing so they can block you from faster, cheaper Internet services. If they get their way, Canadians will be continue to be stuck with embarrassingly slow Internet speeds and fall even further behind the rest of the world. And we’re already living with what the CEO of Netflix called “third world” Internet access.

But here’s the good news: we can stop this. Over 25,000 Canadians have already signed our petition to the CRTC at Now we need you to write them a unique comment, so we can put your message directly in front of decision-makers at the CRTC to counter Big Telecom’s spin.

We know this works. We’ve beaten them before, and we’ll beat them again – just like when we won the historic customer-friendly Cell Phone Code of Conduct together.

Getting the voices of tens of thousands of everyday Canadians on the public record was one of main reasons we were able to win the cell phone code of conduct and all its customer protections.

We have clear proof that if enough of us speak out, our voices have a real impact. Remember: it’s their job to listen to us, not Big Telecom. And when they see Canadians’ passion shine through, victory will be ours.

Please submit a unique comment while there’s still time, and make sure the government knows that all Canadians deserve fast, affordable, world-class Internet services.

The deadline for comments is rapidly approaching, so you’ll need to move quickly.

Your voice, your ideas and your courage to turn the tide on this one. Tell decision-makers why Canada needs – now more than ever – bold steps to move our digital infrastructure into the 21st century.

Together we can ensure Canada’s Internet is the fastest team on the ice. We’re counting on you.

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