These are campaigns we are currently working on. Please take action.

Fix Canadian media NOW!
Canadian media is broken—too much drama, not enough trust. Canadians deserve real journalism that informs, not divides. It’s time to demand a diverse, independent media system and push back against corporate control and foreign influence. Tell our leaders to #FixCanadianMedia now!

Canadian Digital Sovereignty NOW!
Millions of Canadians' data flow through the U.S. every day when it could stay safely within our own borders. Urge your MP to pass strong data localization laws and #KeepOurDataHome.

Connect the unconnected Canadians!
Too many Canadians in rural, remote, and First Nations communities are still not connected to the Internet. Canada shouldn’t leave anyone behind. Sign the petition now and demand action to close the digital gap!

Fix social media. Fix the feed!
Social media is terrible today because it’s built to manipulate and sell to us. Demand the return of the chronological feed today!

Move Bill C-27 forward for privacy protections!
Stop stalling on Bill C-27! Email your MP now to get privacy DONE before its time is up.

Protect voter privacy: End loopholes now!
Canada’s political parties are exploiting our personal data without any oversight, and privacy laws don’t apply to them. Send your message for voter privacy protections!

Support Device Ownership!
Reclaim control over your device! Stand up for stronger Right to Repair protections in Canada.

Sign on for fast, affordable internet!
Monopolies are holding your access to lightning-fast fibre Internet HOSTAGE. NO independent provider can break through, NO matter the price.

Sign the petition: Make our privacy laws work for YOU!
When it comes to privacy, Canada’s government doesn’t want to play by the rules. They’re passing private sector privacy reform Bill C-27, but totally ignoring urgently needed reforms to the Privacy Act – the rules that govern how THEY respect our privacy!

Time to GO MVNO!
There's one straightforward path to cheaper cell phone prices: it is time for Canada to GO MVNO!
OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet. Take action now
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