Supreme Court decision brings renewed vigour in fight against the TPP
Have you ever bought an electronic device or book and then sold it on Craigslist, eBay, or at a yard sale? Recently, big media conglomerates fought to have the Supreme Court allow them to lock down our rights to utilize the content and services we own. They were trying to make it impossible for us to lend, sell, give away, or trash a copy of a copyrighted work that we lawfully own without first asking permission of the copyright holder - who would have had the right to refuse! The same provisions exist in the leaked drafts that we’ve obtained of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), an extreme and secretive trade agreement that could fine you just for clicking on a link.
Good news though! Over 100,000 Internet users and a coalition of public interest groups fought back against this push to restrict our rights, and our voices have now been heard in a landmark decision in the case of Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & Sons., the Supreme Court decided in favour of more balanced copyright, affirming that no matter where in the world something was produced or purchased, you own it. This means that once you lawfully own a copyrighted work, you can do whatever you want to or with it - including lending, selling, breaking, or gifting it.
Now that the US Supreme Court has come out on the right side, big media conglomerates are once again exposed for being out of step with the public interest and basic common sense.
This decision could result in industry lobbyists pushing harder to move the TPP's Internet Trap provisions forward now that they are once again losing attempts to push internet restrictions though national democratic systems.
We just hit 130,000 on the petition and clearly opinions are beginning to shift at the highest levels. Old media conglomerates are not letting up, so let's keep going. Fight for your digital rights at:
Push back hard against the TPP at: