Image for PressProgress: Conservative candidate on C-51: Civil liberties? “Folks, that’s not the country we live in”
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PressProgress: Conservative candidate on C-51: Civil liberties? “Folks, that’s not the country we live in”

Civil liberties protect our personal freedoms. They allow us to express ourselves without fear of interference, they preserve our right to speak, to assemble, to organize, to move around freely and protect our identity.  C-51 will limit our civil liberties, and even this Conservative candidate said so. Let's stop this before it's too late! Speak out and spread the word to ‪#‎KillC51‬ Article by Press Progress What country do Canadians live in then?

At Sunday's Calgary-Signal Hill all-candidates debate, Conservative candidate Ron Liepert responded to criticisms of the Conservatives' controversial Bill C-51 by suggesting "civil liberties" and "freedom" are not the most pressing issues facing the country in light of "criminal activities."

"I know there's a whole group of people including a couple of the speakers here tonight who talk about civil liberties and about the freedom of having the right to pretty much choose to do what you like," Liepert told voters.

"Folks, that's not the country we live in."

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